1 |
24 Hrs. Urinary Albumin |
24 Hrs URINE |
640 |
This test checks for small or micro mount of albumin in urine. This test is used to detect early sign of kidney damage in people who are at risk of developing kidney disease such as those with diabetes or high blood pressure. |
2 |
24 Hrs. Urinary Calcium |
24 Hrs URINE |
290 |
A calcium in urine test may be used to diagnose or monitor how well the kidney are working. It may be used if symptoms of kidney stones are found, which are more likely to form if too much calcium is detected in the urine. A calcium in urine test may also help diagnose problems with the parathyroid glands in the neck. These glands help control the amount of calcium in the body. |
3 |
24 Hrs. Urinary Chloride |
24 Hrs URINE |
180 |
This test measures the amount of chloride in urine. It may be used to evaluate electrolyte composition of urine, acid-based balance studies. It helps to distinguish whether or not a case of metabolic alkalosis is chloride-responsive (salt responsive). |
4 |
24 Hrs. Urinary Creatinine |
24 Hrs URINE |
180 |
This test measures the amount of creatinine in urine. Urinary creatinine test is done to see how well the kidneys are working. |
5 |
24 Hrs. Urinary Phosphorus |
24 Hrs URINE |
250 |
Phosphorus works together with the mineral calcium to build strong bones and teeth. It also plays an essential role in nerve function and how the body uses energy. Kidneys control the amount of phosphate in the body. If there is a problem with the kidneys, it can affect the phosphate levels. Urinary Phosphorus test may be used to help diagnose kidney problems, find the cause of kidney stone and diagnose disorders of the endocrine system. |
6 |
24 Hrs. Urinary Potassium |
24 Hrs URINE |
180 |
Potassium is an important element in cell metabolism, and it’s important in maintaining the balance of fluids and electrolytes in the body. Having too much or too little potassium can be bad. Urinary potassium test is use to check the level of potassium in the body. |
7 |
24 Hrs. Urinary Protein |
24 Hrs URINE |
350 |
The test measures the amount of protein in urine. Normally there is very little protein in urine. A large amount of protein in urine (Proteinuria) may mean that there is a problem with the kidneys. It also may be used to see if a kidney condition is responding to the treatment or when there are symptoms of urinary tract infection (UTI). |
8 |
24 Hrs. Urinary Protein Creatinine Ratio |
24 Hrs URINE |
550 |
The test is used to monitor kidney functions. It is also useful to check for damage in case of the condition affecting the kidney and efficacy of treatment on already affected kidneys. Detecting too much of protein in urine helps identification of early kidney damage whic is almost always asymptomatic. |
9 |
24 Hrs. Urinary Sodium |
24 Hrs URINE |
180 |
A urine sodium test checks the amount of sodium in urine to see whether it's at a normal level. Having too much or too little sodium can mean there's an issue with the kidneys or perhaps another health matter. |
10 |
24 Hrs. Urinary Urea |
24 Hrs URINE |
180 |
Urea is a waste product made when the liver breaks down protein. It is filtered out by the kidneys and removed from the body in urine. This test determines how much urea is in the urine to assess the amount of protein breakdown. The test can help determine how well the kidneys are functioning and whether the intake of protein is too high or low. |
11 |
24 Hrs. Urinary Uric Acid |
24 Hrs URINE |
230 |
The test measures the amount of uric acid in urine. An increased amount of uric acid in the urine often indicates gout, which is a common form of arthritis and it can also be a sign of kidney stone. The test may also be used to monitor the condition during the chemotherapy or radiation therapy. These treatments can lead to an accumulation of uric acid in the body. |
12 |
24 Hrs. Urinary Uric Acid Creatinine Ratio |
24 Hrs URINE |
380 |
13 |
Absolute CD4 Counts |
1200 |
This test measures the amount of CD4 cells in the blood. These cells move throughout the body to find and destroy bacteria, viruses and other invading germs. A CD4 count is used to check the health of the immune system in people infected with HIV. |
14 |
Absolute Eosinophil Count |
150 |
It is a test that measures the number of one type of white blood cells called eosinophils. Eosinophilia is a higher than normal level of eosinophils. Eosinophils are a type of disease-fighting white blood cell. This condition most often indicates a parasitic infection, an allergic reaction or cancer. |
15 |
Absolute Lymphocyte Count |
150 |
This test measures the level of lymphocyte (white blood cell) in the blood. Abnormal level of lymphocytes may indicate presence of an infection or other significant illness. Some cases may show a temporary rise in the levels of lymphocytes post an illness. |
16 |
Absolute Neutrophil Count |
150 |
This test may be used to check for infection, inflammation, leukemia, and other conditions. The lower a person's absolute neutrophil count is, the higher the risk is of getting an infection. Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell. They help the body fight infection especially bacterial infections. |
17 |
ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme) |
1050 |
18 |
Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) |
Pulmonary/Extra pulmonary specimens |
190 |
AFB tests are most often used to diagnose an active tuberculosis infection. It may also be used to help other types of AFB infections. |
19 |
ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic hormone) |
1000 |
20 |
Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/BAL/Body Fluids |
880 |
Enzyme is widely distributed in mammalian tissues,particularly in T Lymphocytes. Increased levels are found in various forms of tuberculosis. ADA is also increased in various infectious diseases like Infectious Mononucleosis, Typhoid, Viral Hepatisis, Initial stages of HIV and Malignancies. |
21 |
Adequacy |
Not Applicable |
530 |
22 |
Albumin |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/Body Fluids |
170 |
Used as a marker of disorder of protein metabolism |
23 |
Albumin/Creatinine Ratio (ACR) |
5 - 10 ml urine |
630 |
A microalbumin creatinine ratio is most often used to screen people who are at higher risk for kidney disease. These include people with diabetes or high blood pressure. Identifying kidney disease at an early stage can help prevent serious complications. |
24 |
Albumin/Creatinine Ratio (ACR), 24 Hrs |
24 Hrs. URINE |
700 |
A microalbumin creatinine ratio is most often used to screen people who are at higher risk for kidney disease. These include people with diabetes or high blood pressure. Identifying kidney disease at an early stage can help prevent serious complications. |
25 |
Aldehyde Test |
110 |
26 |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1150 |
Used as a tumour marker for hepatocellular carcinoma(hepatoma). Patients with chronic active hepatitis or cirrhosis with positive serology for HCV or HBV should be screened with serum AFP and ultrasound. It is also used as a marker for germ cell tumours of ovary and testis. It can be used to distinguish neonatal hepatitis from neo natal biliary atresia. And it is useful for the screening for fetal defects and placenta disease during pregnancy. |
27 |
Alkaline Phosphatase |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
160 |
Used for the diagnosis of causes and monitoring of course of cholestasis (e.g. neoplasm, drugs). It is also used to diagnose various bone disorders (e.g. Paget's disease, osteogenic sarcoma). |
28 |
Allergy Comprehensive Panel (Allergen specific IgE) |
9000 |
29 |
Allergy Panel, Atopic (Allergen specific IgE) |
4000 |
30 |
Allergy Panel, Food (Allergen specific IgE) |
4000 |
31 |
Ammonia |
1000 |
32 |
Amylase |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/Body Fluids |
600 |
Amylase is increased in acute pancreatits, acute exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, drug-induced acute pancreatitis, obstruction of pancreatic duct and biliary tract disease, complications of pancreatitis. Amylase is found decreased in extensive marked destruction of pancreas, severe liver damage and methodologic interference by drugs. |
33 |
ANA & Anti-ds DNA |
1800 |
34 |
1950 |
35 |
1950 |
36 |
Anti Cardiolipin Ab. IgG |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
650 |
Tests for IgG and IgM cardiolipin antibodies are used to help determine the cause of an unexplained thrombotic episode, recurrent miscarriage, or thrombocytopenia. They may be ordered along with lupus anticoagulant testing to help investigate the cause of a prolonged PTT (activated partial thromboplastin time), especially if clinical findings suggest that the patient may have SLE or another autoimmune disorder. |
37 |
Anti Cardiolipin Ab. IgM |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
650 |
Tests for IgG and IgM cardiolipin antibodies are used to help determine the cause of an unexplained thrombotic episode, recurrent miscarriage, or thrombocytopenia. They may be ordered along with lupus anticoagulant testing to help investigate the cause of a prolonged PTT (activated partial thromboplastin time), especially if clinical findings suggest that the patient may have SLE or another autoimmune disorder. |
38 |
Anti Cardiolipin Antibody |
1500 |
39 |
Anti HBe |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
800 |
Used for monitoring of chronic hepatitis and anti-viral therapy. |
40 |
Anti HBs |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1000 |
Used to monitor recovery of HBV infection and protective immunity in vaccinated individuals |
41 |
Anti HCV Ab |
500 |
42 |
Anti Jo-1 Antibody |
1100 |
43 |
Anti Nuclear Antibody - IFA with titration |
3500 |
44 |
Anti Nuclear Antibody (ANA) - CLIA |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
950 |
ANA screening test collectively detects total ANAs against double stranded DNA, histones, SS-A/Ro, SS-B/La, Sm, SmRNP, Scl-70, Jo-1 and centromeric antigens, along with sera positive for IFA Hep-2 ANAs. ANAs directed against a variety of macromolecules occur in high frequency in systemic rheumatic diseases. It may be also present in healthy persons, aged, infectious mononucleosis, unrecognized chronic infection and uses of certain drugs (hydralazine, isoniazide, chlorpromazine). |
45 |
Anti Nuclear Antibody - IFA |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1750 |
Immunofluorescence microscopy using human cellular extracts like Hep-2 cells, allows for the sensitive detection of serum antibodies that reacts specifically with various cellular proteins and nucleic acids. IF is essential in the routine diagnosis of human autoimmune diseases. From a positive immunofluorescence, it is possible to associate the specific pattern to the presence of a distinct autoantibody in that particular patient's serum. Specific patterns of positive immunofluorescence are associated with specific diseases, thus helping narrowing down the diagnosis. |
46 |
Anti Phospholipid Antibody Panel (Anti Cardiolipin antibody, Beta 2 glycoprotein and Lupus anticoagulant) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST + Sodium Citrate(Blue top) |
1450 |
47 |
Anti RNP/Sm Antibody |
650 |
48 |
Anti SARS-CoV-2 IgG |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1080 |
The Anti SARS-COV-2 IgG test is intended to use as an aid in identifying individuals with an adaptive immune response to SARS-COV-2, indicating recent, past or prior infection. |
49 |
Anti SARS-CoV-2 IgM |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1080 |
The Anti SARS-COV-2 IgM test is intended to use as an aid in identifying individuals with an adaptive immune response to SARS-COV-2, indicating recent, past or prior infection. |
50 |
Anti Scl-70 Antibody |
900 |
51 |
Anti Smith Antibody |
900 |
52 |
Anti SS-A/Ro Antibody |
650 |
53 |
Anti SS-B/La Antibody |
650 |
54 |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
650 |
It is useful for the diagnosis of streptococcal infections and their relative effects such as rheumatic fever and acute glomerulonephritis. |
55 |
Anti Thyroglobulin (Anti Tg) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1400 |
Autoantibodies to thyrogloblin are often found in patients with autoimmune thyroid disease. They are detected in 30% of patients with Basedow's disease and 85% of patients with Hashimoto's disease. Anti-Tg are associated with cases of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, and are frequently found in patients with other autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Pernicious Anaemia and Type I Diabetes. |
56 |
Anti Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Antibody |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1400 |
The detection of anti-TPO is an aid in the diagnosis of autoimmune thyroid diseases. It enables the physician to differentiate thyroid autoimmune disorders from non-autoimmune goiter or hypothyroidism. Elevated serum concentration of anti-TPO antibodies are found in subjects with autoimmunity-based thyroiditis. High anti-TPO titers are found in up to 90% of patients with chronic Hashimoto's thyroiditis. In Graves' (Basedow's) disease, 70% of the patients have an elevated titer. |
57 |
Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide (CCP) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1950 |
Used as an aid in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis in combination with other clinical and laboratory findings. If present in such a patient at a moderate to high level, it not only confirms the diagnosis but also may indicate that the patient is at increased risk for damage to the joints. |
58 |
Anti-ds DNA - CLIA |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
950 |
Used as an aid in the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus. |
59 |
Anti-Mullerian Hormone (US)/AMH |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1990 |
The test is used to check a woman's ability to produce eggs that can be fertilized for pregnancy. An AMH test may also be used to predict the start of menopause, find out the reason of early menopause, help find out the reason for amenorrhea (lack of menstruation), help diagnose PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome, monitor women who have certain types of ovarian cancer. |
60 |
Anti-Mycobacterial Antibody |
550 |
61 |
Anti-Tubercular Drug Sensitivity, 10 Drugs Panel |
Not Applicable |
8500 |
62 |
Anti-Tubercular Drug Sensitivity, 4 Drugs Panel |
Not Applicable |
2600 |
63 |
Anti-Tubercular Drug Sensitivity, 5 Drugs Panel |
Not Applicable |
4400 |
64 |
Apolipoprotein A1 |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
570 |
Apo A1 is the major protein component of HDL (good cholesterol). Decreased Apo A1 is a risk factor for atherosclerosis even in normal Apo B concentrations. Apo A1 decreases also seen in dyslipoproteinemias, acute hepatic cirrhosis and insulin treated patients. |
65 |
Apolipoprotein B |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
570 |
Apo B is the major protein component of LDL. Elevated levels of Apo B is frequently found in atherosclerotic vascular changes and are risk factor for atherosclerosis. |
66 |
Apolipoproteins A1 & B (Apo A1 & Apo B) |
900 |
67 |
Arterial Blood Gas Analysis |
Arterial Blood in Heparinized Syringe |
900 |
Used to evaluate patients with pulmonary or acid-base disturbances, to monitor patients with carbon monoxide poisoning, methemoglobinemia or hemoglobin variant for O2 saturation. It is also used to manage patients on mechanical respirators and prior to thoracic or general surgery. |
68 |
Ascitic Fluid Analysis |
Ascitic Fluid |
600 |
69 |
Aspiration Cytology/FNAC |
Walk-in patient/slide |
800 |
70 |
Bakers Cyst Aspirate |
Not Applicable |
220 |
71 |
BAL Fluid Analysis |
BAL Fluid |
600 |
72 |
Bence Jones Protein |
100 |
73 |
Beta D Glucan |
9000 |
74 |
Beta-HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
930 |
An essential marker in the diagnosis and follow-up of Normal Pregnancy, Abnormal Pregnancy (Ectopic, Hydatidiform mole etc.) and malignancies such as Choriocarcinoma. |
75 |
Beta2 Glycoprotein IgG |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
900 |
Anti-β2 glycoprotein-1 (β2GP1) antibodies belong to a heterogeneous family of antiphospholipid (aPL) antibodies, which are autoantibodies directed against anionic phospholipids or protein-phospholipid complexes. Persistently elevated levels of aPL antibodies are associated with an increased risk for vascular thrombosis and obstetrical complications. This association is known as antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). |
76 |
Beta2 Glycoprotein IgM |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
900 |
Anti-β2 glycoprotein-1 (β2GP1) antibodies belong to a heterogeneous family of antiphospholipid (aPL) antibodies, which are autoantibodies directed against anionic phospholipids or protein-phospholipid complexes. Persistently elevated levels of aPL antibodies are associated with an increased risk for vascular thrombosis and obstetrical complications. This association is known as antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). |
77 |
Bicarbonate |
900 |
78 |
Bilirubin |
220 |
Differential diagnosis of disease of hepatobiliary system, pancreas and other causes of jaundice. Jaundice becomes apparent clinically at >2.5 mg/dL. Transcutaneous bilirubin measurement has been used as a surrogate in neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. |
79 |
Blast Cells |
50 |
80 |
Bleeding Time |
Walk-in patient |
90 |
81 |
Blood for Microfilaria by QBC |
250 |
82 |
Blood Grouping |
150 |
83 |
Body fluid Analysis |
Any body fluid |
600 |
84 |
Blood Smear |
100 |
85 |
Bone Marrow Examination |
Walk-in patient/slide |
800 |
86 |
150 |
87 |
C - Peptide |
800 |
88 |
c-ANCA; Serin Proteinase 3 (PR-3) Antibodies - CLIA |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1950 |
This test is used to diagnose conditions that cause vasculitis especially when symptoms suggest Wegener's granulomatosis or microscopic polyangiitis. PR3 antibodies are most frequently seen in Wegener's granulomatosis (WG). |
89 |
C-Reactive Protein |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
580 |
Measurement of CRP is useful for the detection and evaluation of infection, tissue injury, inflammatory disorders and associated diseases. It also helps in the differential diagnosis and management of neonatal septicemia and meningitis, myocardial infarction and possible septic or inflammatory post-operative complication. |
90 |
C-Reactive Protein, Cardio (hsCRP) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
700 |
CRP ultra/HS CRP is the strongest predictor of cardiac risk. Relatively high levels of hsCRP in healthy individuals are predictive of the future risk of heart disease even when cholesterol levels are within the acceptable range. |
91 |
C3 Complement Component |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
750 |
Decreased levels of C3 are significant in autoimmune diseases, recurrent infections with pyogenic bacteria, neonatal RDS and congenital deficiencies. C3 behaves as an acute phase protein and hence increased levels may be found in acute inflammatory reactions. |
92 |
C4 Complement Component |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
750 |
Decreased levels are found in hereditary angioneurotic odema, immune complex disease and congenital deficiencies. |
93 |
CA - 125 |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1500 |
CA 125 has been found in the epithelium of the oviduct, endometrium and endocervix. It is useful in post-operative monitoring for persistent or recurrent disease, poorer prognosis, if elevated 3 to 6 weeks after surgery. Rising level during chemotherapy is associated with tumor progression and falling to normal is associated with response. CA-125 is positive in 80% of cases of common epithelial tumor, 50% of early stage disease, 0.6% of normal women over age 50 years. |
94 |
CA 15.3 |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1200 |
CA15-3 (Cancer Antigen 15-3) is a tumor marker used to monitor certain cancers, especially breast cancer. It is found on the surface of many types of cancer cells and shed into the blood stream. It is used to monitor advanced, i.e. metastatic cancer. CA 15-3 is not sensitive or specific enough to be considered useful as a tool for cancer screening. Its main use is to monitor the tumor burden, a person's response to breast cancer treatment and to help watch for breast cancer recurrence. Higher the CA 15-3 level, the more advanced the breast cancer and the larger the tumor burden. CA 15-3 concentrations tend to increase as the cancer grows. In metastatic breast cancer, the highest levels of CA 15-3 often are seen when the cancer has spread to the bones and/or the liver. |
95 |
CA 19-9; Pancreatic Cancer Marker |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1500 |
It is used in the detection, diagnosis and monitoring of the prognosis of pancreatic cancer. Pre-operative resectability can be determined by this test. Very high concentrations predict unresectable cancer. It is useful to monitor response to therapy (e.g. post-surgical recurrence correlates with increased concentrations). It may indicate developement of cholangiocarcinoma in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis. |
96 |
Calcium, Ionized |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
900 |
97 |
Calcium, Total |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
290 |
Used in the diagnosis of parathyroid dysfunction and hypercalcemia of malignancy. 90% of case of hypercalcemia are caused by hyperparathyriodism, neoplasms, or granulomatous diseases. Hypercalcemia of sarcoidosis, adrenal insufficiency, and hyperthyroidism tend to be found in clinically evident disease. Blood calcium should be monitored in renal failure, as an effect of various drugs, in acute pancreatitis and following thyroidectomy and parathyroidectomy. Total serum protein and albumin should always be measured simultaneously for proper interpretation of serum calcium levels. |
98 |
Cancheck-PSA |
280 |
99 |
CAPD Fluid Analysis |
600 |
100 |
Carbon di-oxide |
600 |
101 |
Carcino-Embryonic Antigen (CEA) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
930 |
It is useful in monitoring for persistent, metastatic or recurrent adenocarcinoma of colon after surgery; increased in >30% of patients with breast, lung, liver, pancreas adenocarcinomas and also useful in determination of prognosis in patients with colon cancer. It is not usually useful for diagnosis of local recurrence. CEA is not recommended for screening because of low S/S, especially in early stages of malignant disease because lt reflects tumor bulk. It can be used to diagnose malignant pleural effusion. |
102 |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1450 |
103 |
CD19 Count |
3000 |
104 |
Ceruloplasmin |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1000 |
Ceruloplasmin is a copper oxide enzyme synthesized in liver playing a major role regulating the ionic state of iron and metallic ions in serum and at the cell surface. Decreased levels are seen in hepatolenticular degeneration or Wilson's disease and Menke's kinky hair syndrome. Levels are elevated by the acute phase response and particularly by estrogens. |
105 |
Cervical Smear/Pap Smear |
Cervial Smear |
220 |
Also known as Pap smear, it is used to detect cervical cancer in women. It can also reveal changes in cervical cells that may turn into cancer later. Finding cell changes early can help prevent from getting cancer and also helps in getting the best chance of fighting it. |
106 |
Cervical Smear/Pap Smear (Liquid Based) |
Cervial Smear |
800 |
Also known as Pap smear, it is used to detect cervical cancer in women. It can also reveal changes in cervical cells that may turn into cancer later. Finding cell changes early can help prevent from getting cancer and also helps in getting the best chance of fighting it. |
107 |
Chloride |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST/Body fluids |
180 |
Used to assess electrolytes with sodium, potassium and carbon dioxide, acid-base and water balance. Chloride usually changes in the same direction as sodium except in metabolic acidosis with bicarbonate depletion and metabolic alkalosis with bicarbonate excess, when serum sodium levels may be normal. |
108 |
Cholesterol, Total |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
250 |
This test is for quantitative determination of total cholesterol in serum and plasma. The results of the cholesterol test can be used in evaluating the patient’s metabolism of fat, or in diagnosing inflammation of the pancreas, liver disease, disorders of the thyroid gland and nephritic syndrome. |
109 |
350 |
110 |
Clostridium Difficile Toxin Assay |
1900 |
111 |
Clot Retraction Time |
70 |
112 |
Clotting Time |
Walk-in patient |
90 |
Formerly a routine method for control of heparin therapy but is now replaced by aPTT. It is not a reliable screening test for bleeding conditions because it is not sensitive enough to detect mild conditions; detects only severe deficiencies. Normal clotting time does not rule out a coagulation defect. Routine pre-operative BT & CT are of little value for routine pre-operative screening. |
113 |
Cold Agglutinin (Cryoglobulin) |
100 |
114 |
Complete Haemogram (CHG / CBC) |
500 |
This blood test is used to evaluate and monitor the overall health and detect wide range of disorders including anemia, infection and leukemia. |
115 |
Cortisol, Evening |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
800 |
Cortisol is the primary gluco corticoid hormone synthesized and secreted by the adrenal cortex. Circulating cortisol levels follow a diurnal pattern in healthy individuals. Levels are highest in the morning and lowest in the evening. Disorders of the hypothalamic pituitary-adrenal axis override this diurnal pattern. Increased cortisol levels are induced by pregnancy and by stress due to depression, trauma, surgery, hypoglycemia, alcoholism, uncontrolled diabetes and starvation. |
116 |
Cortisol, Morning |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
800 |
Cortisol is the primary gluco corticoid hormone synthesized and secreted by the adrenal cortex. Circulating cortisol levels follow a diurnal pattern in healthy individuals. Levels are highest in the morning and lowest in the evening. Disorders of the hypothalamic pituitary-adrenal axis override this diurnal pattern. Increased cortisol levels are induced by pregnancy and by stress due to depression, trauma, surgery, hypoglycemia, alcoholism, uncontrolled diabetes and starvation. |
117 |
Cortisol, Stimulation by ACTH |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
800 |
This test measures the ability of the adrenal cortex to respond to ACTH by producing cortisol appropriately. ACTH is a hormone produced in the pituitary gland that stimulates the adrenal glands. |
118 |
Cortisol, Suppression by Dexamethasone |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
800 |
This test is used in the evaluation of endogenous Cushing syndrome. |
119 |
Nasal/Oral swab |
1200 |
120 |
Nasal/Oral swab |
800 |
121 |
Creatine Kinase - MB (CK-MB) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
480 |
CK-MB is found in cardiac muscle, CK-MB is used as a diagnostic indicator of myocardial injury (Acute myocardial infarction, AMI). Approximately 98% of patients with AMI exhibit elevated serum CK-MB while only 3% of non-AMI patients exhibit abnormal CK-MB. |
122 |
Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
350 |
Creatinine Phosphokinase (CPK) is an enzyme in the body and found mainly in the heart, brain and skelatal muscle. When the total CPK level is very high, it most often means there has been injury or stress to muscle tissue, the heart or the brain. This test may be used to diagnose heart attack, evaluate cause of chest pain, determine if or how badly a muscle is damaged, detect dermatomyositis, polymyositis and other muscle diseases, tell the difference between malignant hyperthermia and post-operative infection. |
123 |
Creatinine |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
180 |
It is used to measure creatinine levels in blood and/or urine. Creatinine which is a waste product is filtered from the blood by kidneys and sent out of the body in urine. If there is a problem with kidneys, creatinine can build up in blood and less will be released in urine. If blood and/or urine creatinine levels are found abnormal, it can be a sign of kidney disease. |
124 |
Creatinine Clearance Test |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST + Urine |
370 |
Creatinine Clearance Te is a test to check kidney function. |
125 |
Crossmatching |
Serum and Whole blood |
240 |
126 |
Cryptococcus Antigen |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST/CSF |
850 |
Measurement of cryptococcal capsule antigen in serum and CSF is the most valuable test in meningitis. It is useful for screening of suspected cryptococcosis, because it is more sensitive (>90%) than Indian Ink smears of CSF. Increasing titre suggests progressive disease and failure to decrease with treatment suggests insufficient therapy. |
127 |
Cryptosporidium |
100 |
128 |
Culture And Sensitivity |
Urine/Body fluids etc |
850 |
129 |
Culture And Sensitivity (Blood) |
950 |
130 |
Culture and Sensitivity, Anaerobic |
Not Applicable |
650 |
131 |
Pulmonary / Extra Pulmonary |
1050 |
This test is used to detect and identify Micobaterial Tuberculosis. |
132 |
Cystatin C |
1300 |
133 |
Cystic Fluid Analysis |
600 |
134 |
Cytological Examination |
Any clinical specimen |
180 |
135 |
Cytomegalovirus IgG & IgM Ab. (ECLIA) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST/CSF |
880 |
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a virus in the herpes family with other two viruses as Chickenpox and Mononucleosis. CMV infections are very common. In healthy people its infections usually cause mild, flu like illnesses or no symptoms at all. This test is used to help diagnose a current, reactivated or past infection of CMV in people with weakened immune system due to conditions such as HIV or cancer, people who have recently recieved an organ transplant, pregnant women with symptoms of a CMV infection and newborns with symptoms with infection. |
136 |
Cytomegalovirus IgG Ab. (ECLIA) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST/CSF |
450 |
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a virus in the herpes family with other two viruses as Chickenpox and Mononucleosis. CMV infections are very common. In healthy people its infections usually cause mild, flu like illnesses or no symptoms at all. This test is used to help diagnose a current, reactivated or past infection of CMV in people with weakened immune system due to conditions such as HIV or cancer, people who have recently recieved an organ transplant, pregnant women with symptoms of a CMV infection and newborns with symptoms with infection. |
137 |
Cytomegalovirus IgM Ab. (ECLIA) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST/CSF |
450 |
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a virus in the herpes family with other two viruses as Chickenpox and Mononucleosis. CMV infections are very common. In healthy people its infections usually cause mild, flu like illnesses or no symptoms at all. This test is used to help diagnose a current, reactivated or past infection of CMV in people with weakened immune system due to conditions such as HIV or cancer, people who have recently recieved an organ transplant, pregnant women with symptoms of a CMV infection and newborns with symptoms with infection. |
138 |
D-Dimer |
Whole blood-Sodium Citrate/Plasma |
1100 |
This is a test that checks for or monitors blood clotting problem which can cause health problems such a Deep vein Thrombosis (DVT), Pulmonary Embolism (PE), Stroke, Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC). |
139 |
Dehydroepiandrostenidione Suplhate (DHEA-S) |
900 |
140 |
Dengue by PCR |
Whole Blood-EDTA/SST/Plasma/Serum |
2700 |
141 |
Dengue Fever Combo Panel |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1200 |
142 |
Dengue, NS1 Antigen + IgM by ELISA |
1200 |
143 |
DIF, Skin Biopsy |
800 |
144 |
DIF, Skin Biopsy, C1q |
800 |
145 |
DIF, Skin Biopsy, C3 |
800 |
146 |
DIF, Skin Biopsy, IgA |
800 |
147 |
DIF, Skin Biopsy, IgA & IgG |
1600 |
148 |
DIF, Skin Biopsy, IgG |
800 |
149 |
DIF, Skin Biopsy, IgM |
800 |
150 |
Differential Leucocyte Count |
80 |
151 |
Direct Coombs Test |
370 |
This test is used to identify hemolytic anemia |
152 |
Donor Screening + Cross Match |
Serum and Whole blood |
770 |
153 |
EBV (Epstein-Barr Virus) VCA/EA IgG |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
800 |
This test detects anti-VCA and anti-EA IgG in human serum. Detection of these specific antibodies is an aid in diagnosing infectious mononucleosis (IM). |
154 |
Electrolytes |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
520 |
An Electrolytes test is a blood test that measures electrolyte imbalance in the body. Electrolytes are salt and minerals such as sodium, potassium, chloride and bicarbonate which are found in the blood. Abnormal levels of any of these electrolytes can be a sign of health problem, including kidney disease, high blood pressure and irregularity in heart rhythm. |
155 |
ENA Screen |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
4000 |
ENA screening test is used to detect IgG class antibodies against dsDNA, Nucleosome, Histones, SmD1, PCNA, ribosomal PO (RPP), SS-A/Ro 60, SS-A/Ro 52, SS-B/La, CENP-B, Scl70, U1-snRNP, AMA M2, Jo-1, PM-Scl, Mi-2 and Ku. It is intended to aid in the diagnosis of systemic rheumatic diseases. |
156 |
Enterocheck-WB |
Serum/Plasma/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST/EDTA |
470 |
This is a test for the detection of IgM antibodies to S.typhae in serum/plasma/whole blood. |
157 |
Eosinophil Count, BAL |
100 |
158 |
Eosinophil Count, Fluid |
100 |
159 |
100 |
160 |
Eosinophil, Sputum |
100 |
161 |
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) - PCR, Quantitative |
4500 |
162 |
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate |
120 |
This test can help determine the condition that causes inflammation. |
163 |
Estriol, Free (Unconjugated) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1300 |
It is a bio-marker which can be used along with Alpha Feto Protein and hCG in a study known as Triple test during the escond trimester of pregnancy which is useful in screening for Down Syndrome and Trisomy 18 Syndrome. |
164 |
Examination of CSF |
CSF (Cerebrospinal fluid) |
600 |
It is a group of tests that looks at the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to help diagnose diseases and conditions that affect the brain and spinal cord. Cerebrospinal fluid is a clear and colourless liquid found in the brain and spinal cord. It protects the central nervous system by acting like a cushion and also removes waste products from the brain and helps central nervous system works properly. |
165 |
Examination of Faeces |
170 |
166 |
Faecal Occult Blood |
130 |
It detects blood in stool which cannot be seen by naked eye. |
167 |
Faecal Reducing Substance |
60 |
It is used to diagnose lactose intolerance and some rare metabolic abnormalities. |
168 |
Fast PET |
600 |
169 |
Fecal Calprotectin |
2200 |
The test is used as an aid for the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease. |
170 |
Ferritin |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
750 |
Useful in the diagnosis of iron deficiency or excess; it correlates with total body iron stores.This test is used to predict and monitor iron deficiency. Determines response to iron therapy or compliance with treatment. Ferritin test is also useful to differentiate iron deficiency from chronic disease as cause of anemia and monitor iron status in patients with chronic renal disease with or without dialysis. Detects iron overload states and monitor rate of iron accumulation and response to iron-depletion therapy. It is also used for population studies of iron levels and response to iron supplement. |
171 |
Fibrinogen |
Whole blood-Sodium Citrate/Plasma |
1500 |
This test is used to measure the level of Fibrinogen. Fibrinogen is a protein produced by liver and it helps stop bleeding and support wound healing by forming clots at the site of bleeding. |
172 |
Fibrinogen Degradation Product (FDP) |
Plasma |
750 |
173 |
First Trimester Screen with NT |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
2500 |
This test includes a blood test with ultrasound examination. It helps to determine whether the fetus is at risk for chromosomal abnormality such as Down Syndrome or birth defects. |
174 |
First Trimester Screen without NT |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
2300 |
This test includes a blood test with ultrasound examination. It helps to determine whether the fetus is at risk for chromosomal abnormality such as Down Syndrome or birth defects. |
175 |
Fite-Faraco Stain/Lepra Stain |
450 |
176 |
Flow Cytometry Panel - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia |
Not Applicable |
11500 |
177 |
Foetal Haemoglobin |
450 |
It measures the level of foetal haemoglobin (HbF) in the blood of infants and children. It can also be measured in adults, though is more typically needed for diagnosis of congenital illness in children. |
178 |
Folate / Folic Acid |
1000 |
179 |
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
650 |
This is a test to check the level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), a hormone associated with reproduction and the development of eggs in women and sperm in men. It is used to evaluate fertility issues, function of reproductive organs (ovaries or testicles) or to detect the ovulation and to evaluate pituitary function. In children, FSH test is used to evaluate early or delayed sexual maturation (puberty). |
180 |
Food Intolerance Test |
7500 |
181 |
Fractional Excretion of Sodium (FENa) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST + Urine Random |
400 |
Fractional Excretion of Sodium (FENa) is the percentage of the sodium filtered by the kidney which is excreted in the urine. FENa can be useful in the evaluation of acute renal failure and oliguria. |
182 |
Free Beta-HCG |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1200 |
It is a part of First trimester screening test. |
183 |
Free T3 + Free T4 |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
650 |
184 |
FSH & LH stimulation by GnRH |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
920 |
185 |
FSH & LH stimulation by GnRH, 0 Level |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
920 |
186 |
FSH & LH stimulation by GnRH, 2 Levels |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1800 |
187 |
FSH & LH stimulation by GnRH, 3 Levels |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
2700 |
188 |
FSH & LH stimulation by GnRH, 4 Levels |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
3500 |
189 |
FSH & LH stimulation by GnRH, 5 Levels |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
4400 |
190 |
FSH & LH stimulation by GnRH, 6 Levels |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
5300 |
191 |
FSH & LH stimulation by GnRH, 7 Levels |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
6200 |
192 |
FSH & LH stimulation by GnRH, 8 Levels |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
7100 |
193 |
FSH & LH stimulation by GnRH, 9 Levels |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
8000 |
194 |
FSH LH Ratio |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1100 |
195 |
FSH stimulation by GnRH |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
650 |
196 |
Fungal Culture |
Any clinical specimen |
900 |
197 |
Fungal Study |
Any clinical specimen |
200 |
198 |
Fungal Study (Nail Clipping) |
200 |
199 |
Fungal Study (Skin Scrapping) |
200 |
200 |
GAD-65 (Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase-65) |
4500 |
201 |
Gall Bladder Stone Analysis (FTIR) |
GB stone |
950 |
It gives accurate information on the chemical composition of stones. |
202 |
Gamma GT |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
160 |
This is a test used to check liver disease or damage to the bile ducts. It is usually used along with ALP. It also helps screen for or alcohol user disorder. |
203 |
GenoType MTBDRplus |
Not Applicable |
2200 |
204 |
GenoType MTBDRsl |
Not Applicable |
5500 |
205 |
Globulin |
150 |
206 |
Glucose Challenge Test |
120 |
This test also called as One Hour Glucose Tolerance Test is done during pregnancy to screen for gestational diabetes (diabetes that developes during pregnancy) |
207 |
Glucose, Fasting |
120 |
208 |
Glucose, Post Prandial |
120 |
209 |
Glucose, Random |
120 |
210 |
Glucose-6-P-Dehydrogenase |
350 |
G6PD deficiency is one of the most common human enzyme deficiency in the world. Since X chromosome carries the gene for G6PD enzyme, this deficiency mostly affects the males. The two major conditions associated with G6PD deficiency are hemolytic anaemias and neonatal jaundice, which may result in neurological complications. Screening and detection of G6PD deficiency helps in reducing such complications. |
211 |
Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1c) |
730 |
Used to monitor diabetic patients’ compliance and long-term blood glucose level control. Index of diabetic control (direct relationship between poor control and development of complications). This test predicts development and progression of diabetic microvascular complications. Utility for diagnosis of DM is still to be determined. |
212 |
Urine/Sputum/Pus/Aspirat/Body fluids/Any clinical specimens |
190 |
This test is used to detect presence of bacterial and fungal pathogens. |
213 |
H. Pylori Ag Stool |
900 |
This test is intended as an aid in the diagnosis of H. Pylori infection in patients with gastrointestinal symptoms. |
214 |
H. Pylori Anti Antibody |
800 |
H. pylori is found in 95% of persons with duodenal ulcer (except Zollinger-Ellison syndrome), 80% of non-NSAID-induced gastric ulcer, 60% of persons with gastric cancer. Found in >50% of persons over age 50. This test is used to diagnose infection due to Helicobacter pylori. A positive test for H. pylori indicates that a person's gastrointestinal pain may be caused by a peptic ulcer due to this bacterium. |
215 |
Haemoglobin |
90 |
A haemoglobin test measures the level of haemoglobin in the blood. This test is often used to check for anemia, a condition in which the body has fewer red blood cells (RBC). |
216 |
Haemoglobin Electrophoresis |
950 |
This is a test that measures different types of haemoglobin in the blood. It also looks for abnormal types of haemoglobin. Normal types of haemoglobin include:(i) Hb A - the most common type of haemoglobin in healthy adults. (ii) Hb F - is found in unborn and newborns. Abnormal types of haemoglobin include:(i) Hb S - is found in Sickle Cell Disease which is an inherited disorder. (ii) Hb C - does not carry oxygen well which can cause mild form of anemia. (iii) Hb E - mostly found in Southeast Asian descent. People with Hb E usually have no symptoms or mild symptoms of anemia. |
217 |
Ham`s Test |
600 |
218 |
Hanging Drop Preparation |
90 |
This test is used to check for the presence of motile microorganisms in the stool.It is mainly used for the diagnosis of diarrhoeas and purulent enterocolitis. |
219 |
HBsAg (Australia Antigen) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
280 |
220 |
HBsAg (CMIA) |
450 |
221 |
HCV Antibody (CMIA) |
580 |
222 |
HDL Cholesterol |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
250 |
High-density lipoprotein (HDL cholesterol, HDL-C) is considered to be beneficial because it removes excess cholesterol from tissues and carries it to the liver for disposal. Hence, HDL cholesterol is often termed “good” cholesterol. |
223 |
Hematocrit |
60 |
Hematocrit is the percentage of red blood cells (RBC) in the total blood volume. Hematocrit test also known as Packed Cell Volume is a part of Complete Blood Count test. It is most often used for anemia, leukemia, dehydration, dietary deficiencies. |
224 |
Hemosiderin |
100 |
225 |
Hepatitis A Virus, IgM (ELFA) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
800 |
The diagnosis of acute Hepatitis A virus infection is confirmed during the acute or early convalescent phase of infection by the presence of IgM anti-Hepatitis A virus in serum or plasma. IgM anti-Hepatitis A virus generally disappears within 6 months after the onset of symptoms. IgG anti-Hepatitis A virus appears in the convalescent phase of infection, remains for the lifetime of the person, and confers enduring protection against disease. |
226 |
Hepatitis A Virus, IgM and Total (ELFA) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1350 |
The diagnosis of acute Hepatitis A virus infection is confirmed during the acute or early convalescent phase of infection by the presence of IgM anti-Hepatitis A virus in serum or plasma. IgM anti-Hepatitis A virus generally disappears within 6 months after the onset of symptoms. IgG anti-Hepatitis A virus appears in the convalescent phase of infection, remains for the lifetime of the person, and confers enduring protection against disease. |
227 |
Hepatitis A Virus, Total (ELFA) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
800 |
The diagnosis of acute Hepatitis A virus infection is confirmed during the acute or early convalescent phase of infection by the presence of IgM anti-Hepatitis A virus in serum or plasma. IgM anti-Hepatitis A virus generally disappears within 6 months after the onset of symptoms. IgG anti-Hepatitis A virus appears in the convalescent phase of infection, remains for the lifetime of the person, and confers enduring protection against disease. |
228 |
Hepatitis B Core Antibody (Anti HBc), IgM |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1000 |
Anti-HBc IgM is the earliest specific antibody appearing usually within 2 weeks after HBsAg. In acute hepatitis, anti-HBc IgM titres are generally high and then progressively decreases within 6-8 months period. Anti-HBc IgM indicates active viral replication. |
229 |
Hepatitis B Core Antibody (Anti HBc), Total |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
800 |
Anti-HBc Total indicates active viral replication. Anti-HBc Total declines progressively in uncomplicated acute infection, whereas anti-HBc IgG persists for years even after recovery. Presence of anti-HBc indicates an ongoing or previous HBV infection. When used in conjunction with specific HBV markers, diagnosis of viral hepatitis can be achieved. |
230 |
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (Anti HBs) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
700 |
This test is used to check the immunity level to Hepatitits B Virus. This immunity may be the result of receiving the Hepatitis B vaccine or successfully recovering from a past Hepatitis B infection. |
231 |
Hepatitis B Virus, DNA Qualitative |
4200 |
232 |
Hepatitis B Virus, DNA Quantitative |
7500 |
It measures the amount of hepatitis B virus DNA (viral load) in the blood of chronically infected patients. |
233 |
Hepatitis Be Antigen |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
300 |
Hepatitis Be Antigen is a viral protein secreted by HBV-infected cells. Its presence indicates high level of virus in the blood, and is an indication of the infectiousness of the carrier. |
234 |
Hepatitis C Viral RNA, Genotype |
6000 |
235 |
Hepatitis C Viral, PCR - Qualitative |
4200 |
236 |
Hepatitis C Virus Antibody |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
380 |
237 |
Hepatitis C Virus RNA RT PCR - Quantitative |
7700 |
It measures the amount of hepatitis C virus RNA (viral load) in the blood of chronically infected patients. |
238 |
Hepatitis E Virus IgM |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
550 |
239 |
Hepatitis E Virus, IgG (ELFA) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1300 |
240 |
Hepatitis E Virus, IgM (ELFA) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1300 |
241 |
Herpes Simplex Antibodies I&II IgG (CSF) |
950 |
This test looks for the presence of herpes simplex virus (HSV) in the body. Herpes is a skin infection caused by HSV . There are two main types of HSV. (i) HSV 1 - usually causes blisters or cold sores around the mouth (Oral herpes). (ii) HSV 2 - usually causes blisters or sores in the genital area (Genital herpes). The virus usually does not cause any majore health problems. In rare cases, HSV can infect other parts of the body, including brain and spinal cord which can be very serious. Herpes can also e dangerous to a newborn baby. IgM testing for HSV is not useful, because the IgM tests are not type specific and might be positive during recurrent episodes of Herpes. [ Reference : Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, dated December 17, 2010 / Vol 59 / No. RR - 12 under the topic Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines, 2010. ] |
242 |
Herpes Simplex I IgG Ab. (ECLIA) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
480 |
This test looks for the presence of herpes simplex virus (HSV) in the body. Herpes is a skin infection caused by HSV . There are two main types of HSV. (i) HSV 1 - usually causes blisters or cold sores around the mouth (Oral herpes). (ii) HSV 2 - usually causes blisters or sores in the genital area (Genital herpes). The virus usually does not cause any majore health problems. In rare cases, HSV can infect other parts of the body, including brain and spinal cord which can be very serious. Herpes can also e dangerous to a newborn baby. IgM testing for HSV is not useful, because the IgM tests are not type specific and might be positive during recurrent episodes of Herpes. [ Reference : Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, dated December 17, 2010 / Vol 59 / No. RR - 12 under the topic Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines, 2010. ] |
243 |
Herpes Simplex I&II IgG Ab. (ECLIA) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
950 |
This test looks for the presence of herpes simplex virus (HSV) in the body. Herpes is a skin infection caused by HSV . There are two main types of HSV. (i) HSV 1 - usually causes blisters or cold sores around the mouth (Oral herpes). (ii) HSV 2 - usually causes blisters or sores in the genital area (Genital herpes). The virus usually does not cause any majore health problems. In rare cases, HSV can infect other parts of the body, including brain and spinal cord which can be very serious. Herpes can also e dangerous to a newborn baby. IgM testing for HSV is not useful, because the IgM tests are not type specific and might be positive during recurrent episodes of Herpes. [ Reference : Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, dated December 17, 2010 / Vol 59 / No. RR - 12 under the topic Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines, 2010. ] |
244 |
Herpes Simplex II IgG Ab. (ECLIA) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
480 |
This test looks for the presence of herpes simplex virus (HSV) in the body. Herpes is a skin infection caused by HSV . There are two main types of HSV. (i) HSV 1 - usually causes blisters or cold sores around the mouth (Oral herpes). (ii) HSV 2 - usually causes blisters or sores in the genital area (Genital herpes). The virus usually does not cause any majore health problems. In rare cases, HSV can infect other parts of the body, including brain and spinal cord which can be very serious. Herpes can also e dangerous to a newborn baby. IgM testing for HSV is not useful, because the IgM tests are not type specific and might be positive during recurrent episodes of Herpes. [ Reference : Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, dated December 17, 2010 / Vol 59 / No. RR - 12 under the topic Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines, 2010. ] |
245 |
Herpes Simplex(I) IgG Ab. |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
480 |
This test looks for the presence of herpes simplex virus (HSV) in the body. Herpes is a skin infection caused by HSV . There are two main types of HSV. (i) HSV 1 - usually causes blisters or cold sores around the mouth (Oral herpes). (ii) HSV 2 - usually causes blisters or sores in the genital area (Genital herpes). The virus usually does not cause any majore health problems. In rare cases, HSV can infect other parts of the body, including brain and spinal cord which can be very serious. Herpes can also e dangerous to a newborn baby. IgM testing for HSV is not useful, because the IgM tests are not type specific and might be positive during recurrent episodes of Herpes. [ Reference : Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, dated December 17, 2010 / Vol 59 / No. RR - 12 under the topic Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines, 2010. ] |
246 |
Histopathology Exam (Big) |
Biopsy specimen |
1550 |
247 |
Histopathology Exam (Block) |
Paraffin block with label, histopathology report and clinical detail |
350 |
248 |
Histopathology Exam (Colonoscopic Biopsy) |
Colonoscopic biopsy specimen |
850 |
249 |
Histopathology Exam (Endoscopic Biopsy) |
Endoscopic biopsy specimen |
850 |
250 |
Histopathology Exam (Frozen Section) |
Frozen section specimen |
1500 |
251 |
Histopathology Exam (Gastric Biopsy) with IHC - H. pylori |
Gastric biopsy specimen |
2100 |
252 |
Histopathology Exam (Medium) |
Biopsy specimen |
950 |
253 |
Histopathology Exam (Slide Review) |
Properly labelled slides with clinical detail and histopathology report |
350 |
254 |
Histopathology Exam (Small) |
Biopsy specimen |
850 |
255 |
Histopathology Exam, Bone Biopsy |
Bone biopsy specimen |
900 |
256 |
Histopathology Exam, Liver Biopsy |
Liver biopsy specimen |
1500 |
257 |
Histopathology, Bone Marrow Trephine Biopsy |
Bone marrow trephine biopsy specimen |
1150 |
258 |
Histopathology, Complex/Cancer Specimen |
Large complex/Cancer specimens |
3750 |
259 |
Histopathology, DIF, Skin Biopsy |
Skin biopsy specimen |
2700 |
260 |
Histopathology, DIF, Skin Biopsy Panel |
Skin biopsy specimen |
2500 |
261 |
Histopathology, DIF, Skin Biopsy, C1q |
Skin biopsy specimen |
1000 |
262 |
Histopathology, DIF, Skin Biopsy, C3 |
Skin biopsy specimen |
1100 |
263 |
Histopathology, DIF, Skin Biopsy, IgA |
Skin biopsy specimen |
1100 |
264 |
Histopathology, DIF, Skin Biopsy, IgA & IgG |
Skin biopsy specimen |
1600 |
265 |
Histopathology, DIF, Skin Biopsy, IgG |
Skin biopsy specimen |
1100 |
266 |
Histopathology, DIF, Skin Biopsy, IgM |
Skin biopsy specimen |
1100 |
267 |
Histopathology, Hirschprung Disease |
Rectum biopsy specimen |
1750 |
268 |
Histopathology, Kidney Biopsy |
850 |
269 |
Histopathology, Nerve Biopsy |
Nerve biopsy specimen |
850 |
270 |
Histopathology, Renal Biopsy with DIF |
5500 |
271 |
Histopathology, Skin Biopsy |
Skin biopsy specimen |
950 |
272 |
HIV Ag/Ab (CMIA) |
500 |
273 |
2800 |
274 |
HIV RNA Real Time PCR - Quantitative |
4000 |
275 |
HLA-B27 by Flow Cytometry |
2800 |
276 |
HLA-B27 by PCR |
2800 |
This test is intended for use in the diagnosis and evaluation of conditions causing arthritis-like chronic pain, stiffness and inflammation. Helps to strengthen or confirm suspected case of Ankylosing Spondylosis, Reiter’s Syndrome, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, Anterior Uveitis, etc. |
277 |
Homocysteine |
1200 |
278 |
Cervical scrapings in Trueprep Auto Transport |
1300 |
This test detects high-risk Human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16, 31 and 18, 45. Most high-risk HPV infections do not cause any symptoms and will go away within a year or two. But some high-risk HPV infections can last for years. These long-lasting infections can lead to cancer. HPV is the cause of most cervical cancers. Long-lasting HPV may also cause other cancers, including those of the anus, vagina, penis, mouth, and throat. |
279 |
IgA |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
500 |
The measurement of IgA is important for typing immunodeficiencies and myelomas. Serum IgA levels may be increased in all kinds of acute infectious hepatitis, chronic aggressive hepatitis, cryptogenic cirrhosis, active alcoholic cirrhosis, chronic infections, rheumatoid arthritis, mixed connective tissue disease etc. Decreased levels are found in patients with primary or secondary immune deficiencies. |
280 |
IgG |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
500 |
IgG is a predominant serum immunoglobulin. The measurement of IgG is important for typing immunodeficiencies and myelomas. Increased levels are found in chronic infections and chronic inflammation. IgG is the only immunoglobulin which crosses the placenta and is therefore of special importance in infants' defense against infection. Decreased levels are found in patients with primary or secondary immune deficiencies. |
281 |
IgM |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
500 |
Note : IgM is important in early response to infections. The measurement of IgM is important for typing immunodeficiencies and myelomas. Furthermore it plays a role in acute and chronic infections as first line of defense of the body. Serum levels may be increased in all kinds of acute infections. Elevated levels in chord serum suggest clinical infection in new born. Decreased levels are found in patients with primary or secondary immune deficiencies. |
282 |
Immucheck TB Platinum |
WHOLE BLOOD-sodium heparin |
2800 |
283 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, BCL - 2 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
284 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, c-erb B2/Her-2/neu |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
285 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, Calretinin |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
286 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, CD 10 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1900 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
287 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, CD 117 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
288 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, CD 138 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
289 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, CD 15 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
290 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, CD 20 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
291 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, CD 23 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
292 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, CD 3 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
293 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, CD 30 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
294 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, CD 31 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
295 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, CD 34 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
296 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, CD 45 (Leucocyte Common Antigen/LCA) |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
297 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, CD 5 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
298 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, CD 99 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
299 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, CDX2 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
300 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, Cytokeratin (AE1/AE3) |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
301 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, Cytokeratin 20 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
302 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, Cytokeratin 7 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
303 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, Desmin |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
304 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, EMA |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
305 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, Estrogen Receptor (ER) |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
306 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, Hep-Par 1 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
307 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, HMB-45 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
308 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, Ki 67 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
309 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, MMR/MSI |
5000 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
310 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, MUM - 1 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
311 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Panel |
10000 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
312 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, p63 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
313 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, Pancytokeratin |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
314 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, PAX5 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
315 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, Progesterone Receptor (PR) |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
316 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, PSA |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
317 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, S100 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
318 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, SMA |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
319 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, Synaptophysin |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
320 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, TTF-1 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
321 |
Immunohistochemistry Marker, Vimentin |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1500 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
322 |
Immunohistochemistry, Cyclin-D1 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1900 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
323 |
Immunohistochemistry, E - Cadherin |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1800 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
324 |
Immunohistochemistry, P16 |
Paraffin block with proper label with clinical detail |
1800 |
Confirmation of tumour and subtyping. |
325 |
India Ink Preparation |
Not Applicable |
80 |
326 |
Indirect Coombs Test |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
400 |
Anitbodies are the part of immune system. These antibodies will invade harmful invaders. But sometimes they make mistakes and target healthy cells instead. This test is used to check the antibodies that attack RBC. It is also used in prenatal testing of pregnant women and in testing prior to blood transfusion. |
327 |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1200 |
The inhibin A test is done to measure the amount of this hormone in a pregnant women's blood to see if the baby may have Down syndrome. Inhibin A is made by the placenta during pregnancy. The level of inhibin A in the blood is used in a maternal serum quadruple screening test. |
328 |
Intact Parathyroid Hormone (iPTH) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1950 |
Intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), produced by the parathyroid gland is the major circulating factor regulating extra-cellular calcium concentration. Abnormally low ionized calcium concentration trigger the secretion of iPTH. Estimation of iPTH in blood is used to aid in the diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism, hypoparathyroidism or hypercalcemia of malignancy. |
329 |
Interleukin - 6 (IL-6) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
3500 |
IL-6 is a non-specific marker associated with an inflammatory response. Elevated concentrations of IL-6 may indicate an ongoing inflammatory response and could be consistent with a systemic infection, localized infection or chronic inflammatory disease. |
330 |
Iron |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
280 |
This test is useful for differential diagnosis of anemias. It is also used to diagnose hemochromatosis and hemosiderosis; it is useful in diagnosis of acute iron toxicity, espicially in children. It should always be measured with TIBC for evaluation of iron deficiency. |
331 |
Iron Profile |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
950 |
This test is useful for differential diagnosis of anemias. It is also used to diagnose hemochromatosis and hemosiderosis; it is useful in diagnosis of acute iron toxicity, espicially in children. It should always be measured with TIBC for evaluation of iron deficiency. |
332 |
Iron Profile with Transferrin Saturation |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
980 |
This test is useful for differential diagnosis of anemias. It is also used to diagnose hemochromatosis and hemosiderosis; it is useful in diagnosis of acute iron toxicity, espicially in children. It should always be measured with TIBC for evaluation of iron deficiency. |
333 |
390 |
This test is useful for differential diagnosis of anemias. It is also used to diagnose hemochromatosis and hemosiderosis; it is useful in diagnosis of acute iron toxicity, espicially in children. It should always be measured with TIBC for evaluation of iron deficiency. |
334 |
JAK 2 V617 Mutation - PCR |
5000 |
335 |
Kidney Function Test (Urea + Creatinine + Sodium + Potassium + Chloride) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
870 |
336 |
Kidney Panel (KFT + Uric acid + T. Protein + Albumin + Phosphorus + ALP) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1600 |
337 |
KLB Stain |
90 |
This test is used to detect Corynebacterium infection, Nasopharyyngeal lesions and Skin lesions. Corynebacterium causes diphtheria which is a serious bacterial infection usually affecting the mucous membranes of nose and throat. Diphtheria typically causes a sore throat, fever, swollen glands and weakness. |
338 |
L.E.Cell Test |
Not Applicable |
180 |
339 |
Lactate |
600 |
340 |
Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST/Body fluids |
390 |
There are five isoenzymes. The highest concentrations are found in heart, liver, skeletal muscle, kidney and the RBCs, with lesser amounts in lung, smooth muscle and brain. LDH catalyzes the interconversion of lactate and pyruvate. It is replaced by cardiac troponin as late marker for AMI. It may be a useful marker of disease activity in crytogenic fibrosing alveolitis and extrinsic allergic alveolitis. |
341 |
Laryngeal Wash Analysis |
Laryngeal Wash |
600 |
342 |
LDL Cholesterol |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
350 |
The test for LDL cholesterol is used to predict the risk of developing heart disease. Of all the forms of cholesterol in the blood, the LDL cholesterol is considered the most important form in determining risk of heart disease. Since treatment decisions are often based on LDL values, this test may be used to monitor levels after the start of diet or exercise programs or to determine whether or not prescribing one of the lipid-lowering drugs would be useful. |
343 |
Leptospira IgG & IgM |
700 |
344 |
Leutinizing Hormone (LH) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
650 |
Luteinizing hormone (LH) is a hormone associated with reproduction and the development of eggs in women and sperm in men. This test is used to evaluate fertility issues, function of reproductive organs (ovaries or testicles) or to detect the ovulation and to evaluate pituitary function. In children, LH test is used to evaluate early or delayed sexual maturation (puberty). |
345 |
LH stimulation by GnRH |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
650 |
346 |
Lipase |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST/Body fluids |
600 |
Serum Lipase is increased in pancreatitis, perforated or penetrating peptic ulcer (espicially with involvement of pancrease). It is also found increased in pancreatic duct obstruction, intestinal infarction, acute and chronic renal failure and chronic liver disease (e.g. cirrhosis). |
347 |
Lipid Profile |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
980 |
It is a group of tests that measures the amount of cholesterol and other fats in the blood. Although a certain level of cholesterol is essential, too much of it can build up in the blood vessels and rise the risk of heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis, a clogging or hardening of the arteries. |
348 |
Lithium |
150 |
349 |
Lipoprotein(a)/Lp(a) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
800 |
This test is used to check the quantification of Lp(a) in serum or plasma which is important for identification of individuals at risk for developing atherosclerosis. Lipoprotein(a)/Lp(a) is a complex, cholesterol-carrying particle in the blood related to LDL, which when present in high levels may lead to the development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. |
350 |
Liver Function Tests |
950 |
351 |
Lupus Anticoagulant |
1400 |
Lupus Anticoagulant is a blood test that checks antibodies that cause clotting disorder which can lead to gangrene, miscarriages, strokes and other problems. |
352 |
Magnesium |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
400 |
Magnesium is a type of electrolytes that are responsible for many important functions and processes in body. Magnesium is required to help muscles, nerves, and heart work properly. |
353 |
Malarial Parasite (Digital Cytometry) |
230 |
354 |
Malarial Parasite (Smear) |
70 |
355 |
Malarial Parasite by QBC |
230 |
356 |
Malignant Cell |
BODY FLUIDS/BAL/Aspirate/Urine/Stool/Pus |
180 |
357 |
Mantoux Test |
Not Applicable |
90 |
358 |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
3650 |
The tests are used to screen for Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) and Trisomy 18, which are chromosomal abnormalities, as well as Neural Tube Defects (NTD), such as spina bifida. The Quad screen is performed in the second trimester, usually between 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancy. A mathematical calculation involving the levels of these substances (AFP, beta hCG, unconjugated estriol and inhibin A) as well as considerations of maternal age, family history, weight, race, and diabetic status is used to determine a numeric risk for abnormalities in the fetus. |
359 |
2200 |
360 |
Microalbumin, 24 Hrs Urine |
24 hrs URINE |
640 |
This test checks for small or micro mount of albumin in urine. A microalbumin test is used to detect early sign of kidney damage in people who are at risk of developing kidney disease such as those with diabetes or high blood pressure. |
361 |
Microalbuminuria |
580 |
This test checks for small or micro mount of albumin in urine. A microalbumin test is used to detect early sign of kidney damage in people who are at risk of developing kidney disease such as those with diabetes or high blood pressure. |
362 |
MTB Plus Rifampicin |
Pulmonary and extra pulmonary specimens |
2850 |
This test is used to detect and identify Micobaterial Tuberculosis and drug sensitivity test of Rfampicin. |
363 |
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis PCR (MTB PCR) |
Pulmonary and extra pulmonary specimens |
1900 |
This test is used to detect and identify Micobaterial Tuberculosis. |
364 |
Nasal Discharge Eosinophil |
120 |
365 |
Neo Natal Septic Screen |
350 |
366 |
Non-Glucose Reducing Substance |
100 |
367 |
NT-proBNP |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1900 |
The N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) which consists of 76 amino acids, is the N-terminal fragment of the prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide. NT-proBNP level in the blood is used for screening, diagnosis of acute congestive heart failure (CHF) and may be useful to establish prognosis in heart failure, as it is typically higher in patients with worse outcome. |
368 |
Oestradiol |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
650 |
Oestradiol also known as E2 plays a key role in the development of the female reproduction system. This test is used when there is high or low level of E2 related problems like menstrual problems, ovarian tumours, gynecomastia-a non cancerous growth of glandular breast tissue in males, menopausal symptoms and breast cancer. In adolescents, this test may be done to diagnose early puberty. |
369 |
Oestradiol - Urine |
1080 |
370 |
Optimal Rapid Malaria Test |
380 |
The test detects Plasmodium Lactate dehydrogenase enzyme of the parasite and is capable of species identification. |
371 |
450 |
372 |
Osmolality, Serum |
600 |
373 |
Osmotic Fragility Test |
330 |
374 |
p-ANCA; Anti Myeloperoxidase (MPO) Antibodies - CLIA |
1950 |
375 |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1200 |
It is a part of First trimester screening test. |
376 |
Paragonimus Eggs, Pleural Fluid |
120 |
377 |
Partial Thromboplastin Time |
Whole blood-Sodium Citrate/Plasma |
480 |
It is a blood test that measures the time it takes for a blood clot to form. This test is commonly used in clinical practice to monitor patient response to unfractionated heparin infusion, to target therapeutic anticoagulation, and as part of a coagulation panel to help elucidate causes of bleeding or clotting disorders. |
378 |
PCN Fluid Analysis |
600 |
379 |
PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) Panel |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST + Fluoride |
2950 |
This test is used to check common hormone disorder that can cause problem with period in women, fertility, weight and skin and other conditions such as type 2 diabetes. |
380 |
Pericardial Fluid Analysis |
600 |
381 |
Peritoneal Fluid Analysis |
600 |
382 |
1400 |
383 |
Phosphorus |
250 |
384 |
3000 |
385 |
Plasma Hb |
110 |
386 |
Platelet Count |
90 |
387 |
Pleural fluid Analysis |
600 |
388 |
Pleural Fluid, Biochemical Test, Bilirubin |
220 |
389 |
Pleural Fluid, Biochemical Tests - EXT I |
700 |
390 |
Pleural Fluid, Biochemical Tests - EXT II |
550 |
391 |
Pleural Fluid, Biochemical Tests - EXT III |
250 |
392 |
Pleural Fluid, Biochemical Tests - EXT IV |
300 |
393 |
Polarising Microscopy for Uric Acid Crystals |
220 |
394 |
Potassium |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
180 |
This test is used to diagnose and monitor hyperkalemia in various conditions, e.g., treatment of diabetic, coma, renal failure, severe fluid and electrolyte loss, effect of certain drugs. It is also useful in diagnosis of familial hyperkalemic periodic paralysis and hypokalemic paralysis. |
395 |
Procalcitonin |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1750 |
Rapid and sensitive quantitative test for critical care applications. The test helps detect post-surgical sepsis and assessment of prognosis, and helps differentiate bacterial infection from viral and general inflammation. |
396 |
Progesterone |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
680 |
Progesterone is a hormone synthesized by ovary. Its level is low in follicular phase but increased to 10 - 40 mg/day during luteal phase and <_300 mg/day if pregnancy occurs. This test is useful to help determine the cause of infertility, track ovulation. It also helps diagnose an ectopic or failing pregnancy, monitor the health of a pregnancy, and help diagnose the cause of abnormal uterine bleeding. |
397 |
Prolactin |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
650 |
Prolactin level is increased in Amenorrhea/galactorrhea, Pituitary lesions, Paraneoplastic syndrome, Stress, Pregnancy, Lactation, Chronic renal failure, Medication of neuroleptics antipsychotic drugs and decreased in Hypopituitarism, Medication of Dopamine agonists, Ergot derivatives. Prolactin levels may be checked as part of a fertility hormone workup, as elevated prolactin secretion can suppress the secretion of FSH and GnRH, leading to hypogonadism, and sometimes causing erectile dysfunction in men. Prolactin levels may be of some use in distinguishing epileptic seizures from psychogenic non-epileptic seizures. The serum prolactin level usually rises following an epileptic seizure. |
398 |
Prostate Specific Ag. (PSA) - Free |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
950 |
Statistical analysis shows that the percentage ratio of Free PSA and Total PSA associating the best sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of Prostate Cancer is less than 27. |
399 |
Prostate Specific Ag. (PSA) -Total |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
950 |
It monitors response to total prostatectomy for cancer, radiation therapy. Free /Total PSA ratio : Lower in prostate carcinoma than in BPH and lower % may suggest more aggressive cancer. Repeat of negative biopsy is indicated in high risk populations if fPSA suggests high probability because 20% of cancers are missed on first biopsy. |
400 |
Protein |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
150 |
There are two major types of protein in the blood. (i) Albumin-which helps keep blood from leaking out of blood vessels and also helps move hormones, medicines, vitamins, and other important substances throughout the body. (ii) Globulin-which help fight infection and move nutrients throughout the body. A total protein and Albumin/Globulin ratio is a test that measures proteins and other substances in the blood. It may also be used to help diagnose kidney disease, liver disease, or nutritional problems. |
401 |
Protein Electrophoresis |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
950 |
Protein electrophoresis test measures certain proteins in the blood. Proteins play many important roles, including providing energy for the body, rebuilding muscles, and supporting the immune system. This test is used to help diagnose or monitor a variety of different conditions like Multiple myeloma, a cancer of the white blood cell and other forms of cancer such as Lymphoma or Leukemia, Kidney disease, Liver disease, certain neurological disorders and autoimmune diseases and malnutrition or malabsorbtion. |
402 |
Protein, Ascitic Fluid |
150 |
403 |
Protein, CSF |
320 |
404 |
Prothrombin Time |
Whole blood-Sodium Citrate/Plasma |
480 |
It helps to monitor long-term oral anticoagulant therapy. It is also useful to find the cause of abnormal bleeding and bruising, check how well the liver is working, look for signs of a blood clotting or bleeding disorder. It’s often done along with another test, called the partial thromboplastin time (PTT) test, which looks at another set of factors. Together, they give a more complete picture of what happens in the body when a clot forms. |
405 |
Qualitative GB Stone Analysis by FTIR |
980 |
406 |
QuantiFERON TB Gold |
2900 |
This test is helpful to find out latent tuberculosis infection, a non-communicable asymptomatic condition,persists in some, who might develope tuberculosis disease months or years later. |
407 |
Renal Stone Analysis (FTIR) |
Kidney stone |
980 |
The FTIR technique is extremely precise and gives accurate information on the chemical composition of stones. |
408 |
RET (4th generation + Ag) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
450 |
The 4th generation HIV TRI-DOT + Ag is an immunochromatographic test for the qualitative detection of HIV-1 p24 antigen and antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2 in human serum or plasma. |
409 |
RET(Elisa Test) |
450 |
410 |
Reticulocyte Count |
170 |
Reticulocytes are red blood cells that are still developing also known as immature red blood cells. Reticulocytes are made in the bone marrow and sent into the bloodstream. This test is used to analyse adequacy of bone marrow response to anaemia. High values are seen in hemolytic anaemias. |
411 |
Reticulocyte Production Index (RPI) |
180 |
RPI > 3 indicates adequate marrow response and RPI < 2 indicates inadequate marrow response. |
412 |
Rheumatoid Factor |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
580 |
The rheumatoid factor (RF) test is primarily used to help diagnose rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or Sjögren syndrome and to help distinguish them from other forms of arthritis or other conditions that cause similar symptoms. |
413 |
Rheumatoid Factor (Latex) |
440 |
414 |
Rubella IgG & IgM Ab (ECLIA) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
880 |
A Rubella test is usually done for women who is or wants to become pregnant to determine whether she is at risk for rubella. Rubella is not a problem for most people but a woman infected with the rubella virus during pregnancy can transmit the disease to her baby (fetus). And serious birth defects called congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) could develop, especially during the first trimester. Miscarriage and stillbirth are also possible consequences for pregnant women. |
415 |
Rubella IgG Ab (ECLIA) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
450 |
IgG stays in the bloodstream for life. It indicates either the illness or the vaccine in the past and now immune to the virus. |
416 |
Rubella IgM Ab (ECLIA) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
450 |
The rubella test (IgM) is used to confirm the presence of recent infection of rubella virus. It is detected 11 to 25 days after onset of rash in all patients and may persist for about one year or less. It is one of the best tests for detecting congenital rubella infection as well as early abortion. |
417 |
Scrub Typhus Antibody |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
450 |
This test is used in the confirmation of scrub typhus which is transmitted by trombiculid mites. |
418 |
Semen Analysis By SQA V |
600 |
This is a test that evaluates sperm count , motility, morphology etc. It is one of the first steps to detect male fertility issue and it also can be used to confirm a vasectomy was successful. |
419 |
Serological Test For Paragonimiasis |
600 |
420 |
Serum IgE - Total |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
850 |
This test is used to measure the level of Immunoglobulin E (IgE) level, atype of antibody. IgE antibodies are normally found in small amounts in the blood, but higher amounts can be a sign that the body overreacts to allergens. This can lead to an allergic reaction. |
421 |
Serum Ketones |
500 |
422 |
Serum Pleural Albumin Gradient |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST + Pleural flui |
350 |
423 |
Serum-ascites Albumin Gradient (SAAG) |
350 |
424 |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
190 |
This test measures one of the two liver enzymes, called serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase, or SGOT/AST. SGOT is a protein made by liver cells. When liver cells are damaged, the level of SGOT in the blood becomes elevated. SGOT is also found in parts of the body other than the liver—including the heart, kidneys, muscles, and brain. When cells in any of those parts of the body are damaged, SGOT can be elevated. |
425 |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
190 |
This test measures the amount of ALT/SGPT in the blood. High levels of ALT in the blood can indicate a liver problem, even before there are signs of liver disease. ALT is more specific for liver disease than AST. |
426 |
Sickling Test |
280 |
427 |
Slit Skin Smear |
Skin smear |
90 |
428 |
Sodium |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
180 |
This test measures the level of sodium in the blood. Sodium is a type of electrolyte. Electrolytes help control the amount of fluid and the balance of acids and bases (pH balance) in the body. Sodium also helps the nerves and muscles work properly. It may be used to help find and monitor conditions that affect the balance of fluids, electrolytes, and acidity in the body. |
429 |
Special Stain - Amyloid Stain, Congo Red |
Any clinical specimen |
450 |
Confirmation of specific disease, disorder or organism. |
430 |
Special Stain - CD117 |
450 |
431 |
Special Stain - Giemsa Stain |
450 |
Confirmation of specific disease, disorder or organism. |
432 |
Special Stain - Gomoris Methenamine Silver (Grocott) Stain |
450 |
Confirmation of specific disease, disorder or organism. |
433 |
Special Stain - Gomoris Reticulin Stain |
450 |
Confirmation of specific disease, disorder or organism. |
434 |
Special Stain - Masson Fontana Stain |
450 |
Confirmation of specific disease, disorder or organism. |
435 |
Special Stain - Masson Trichrome Stain |
450 |
Confirmation of specific disease, disorder or organism. |
436 |
Special Stain - Papanicoloau Stain |
450 |
Confirmation of specific disease, disorder or organism. |
437 |
Special Stain - Periodic Acid Schiff Stain (PAS) |
450 |
Confirmation of specific disease, disorder or organism. |
438 |
Special Stain - Perls Prussian Blue Stain |
450 |
Confirmation of specific disease, disorder or organism. |
439 |
Special Stain - Toluidine blue |
450 |
Confirmation of specific disease, disorder or organism. |
440 |
Special Stain - Van Giesons Stain |
450 |
Confirmation of specific disease, disorder or organism. |
441 |
Special Stain - Verhoeff Van Giesons Stain |
450 |
Confirmation of specific disease, disorder or organism. |
442 |
Special Stain - von Kossa Stain |
450 |
Confirmation of specific disease, disorder or organism. |
443 |
Special Stain - Wade Fite Faraco Stain |
450 |
Confirmation of specific disease, disorder or organism. |
444 |
Special Stain - Ziehl Neelson Stain |
450 |
Confirmation of specific disease, disorder or organism. |
445 |
Sputum P.C.P. |
90 |
446 |
Sputum P.marneffei |
90 |
447 |
Sputum Paragonimus Eggs |
120 |
448 |
Stone Analysis |
980 |
449 |
Stool For Ova and Cyst |
80 |
450 |
Sucrose Lysis Test |
500 |
451 |
Synovial Fluid Analysis |
600 |
452 |
Syphicheck |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
200 |
It is serological test for Syphilis which detects IgG and IgM Treponema antibody. |
453 |
T3, Free |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
380 |
This test measures the active form of T3 that is not bound to protein known as Free T3. It is used to assess thyroid function primarily to help diagnose hyperthyroidism and may be used to help monitor treatment of a person with a known thyroid disorder. FT3 gives corrected values in patients in whom the total T3 is altered on account of changes in serum proteins or in binding sites. |
454 |
T3, Total |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
230 |
Used in diagnosis of T3 thyrotoxicosis (when TSH is suppressed but T4 is normal) or cases in which FT4 is normal in presence of symptoms of hyperthyroidism. This test is used for monitoring the course of hyperthyroidism and Thyroxine replacement therapy. It helps predicting the outcome of antithyroid drug therapy in Graves disease and evaluation of Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis. |
455 |
T4, Free |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
380 |
This test measures the active form of T4 that is not bound to protein known as Free T4. It gives corrected values in patients in whom the Total T4 is altered on account of changes in serum proteins or in binding sites, e.g., pregnancy, drugs (such as androgens, estrogens, birth control pills, phenytoin), altered levels of serum proteins. This test is used to assess thyroid function and may be used to help monitor treatment of a person with a known thyroid disorder. |
456 |
T4, Total |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
230 |
T4 is major secretion of thyroid. Bound to TBG, prealbumin and albumin in blood. It is responsible for hormonal action. It reflects secretory activity and is used in diagnosis of Hyper- and Hypothyroidism especially when overt or due to pituitary or hypothalamic disease. |
457 |
Tacrolimus Level |
2500 |
458 |
TB Feron |
2900 |
459 |
TB Inferon Gold Plus |
WHOLE BLOOD-sodium heparin |
2900 |
This tes is helpful to find out latent tuberculosis infection, a non-communicable asymptomatic condition,persists in some, who might develope tuberculosis disease months or years later. |
460 |
Testosterone |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
750 |
Monitoring of testosterone levels is useful - In males, for evaluating steroid secretion of testis (low levels are associated with feminization or hypogonadism). - In females, for exploring androgenic secretion (high concentrations are associated with PCOS, ovarian or adrenal tumour, adrenal hyperplasia or hirsutism). |
461 |
Thyroglobulin, Tg |
1400 |
462 |
Thyroid Hormones (Free T3, T4 & TSH) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
890 |
A thyroid function test checks how well the thyroid is working. The test also checks the level of a hormone made by the pituitary gland in the brain, which acts on the thyroid gland. They are also used to diagnose and help find the cause of thyroid diseases such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. |
463 |
Thyroid Hormones (T3 & T4 ) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
450 |
A thyroid function test checks how well the thyroid is working. The test also checks the level of a hormone made by the pituitary gland in the brain, which acts on the thyroid gland. They are also used to diagnose and help find the cause of thyroid diseases such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. |
464 |
Thyroid Hormones (T3 ,T4 & TSH) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
670 |
A thyroid function test checks how well the thyroid is working. The test also checks the level of a hormone made by the pituitary gland in the brain, which acts on the thyroid gland. They are also used to diagnose and help find the cause of thyroid diseases such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. |
465 |
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
290 |
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) is made in a gland in the brain called the pituitary. When thyroid hormone levels in the body are low (hypothyroidism), the pituitary gland makes more TSH. When thyroid hormone levels are high (hyperthyroidism), the pituitary gland makes less TSH. TSH levels that are too high or too low can indicate thyroid isn't working correctly.This test also helps in monitoring adequate thyroid hormone replacement therapy. |
466 |
Total Granulocyte Count |
100 |
467 |
Total Iron Binding Capacity |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
120 |
This test is used for the diagnosis of iron difficiency anemia and other disorders of iron metabolism. |
468 |
Total Leucocyte Count |
100 |
Leukocytes or white blood cells are an important and necessary part of the immune system. They defend our bodies against infection and diseases. This test helps determine the body's capacity to fight diseases. This test is also used to diagnose infection and inflammation, monitor chemotherapy treatment and diagnose bone marrow disorder. |
469 |
Total RBC Count |
100 |
470 |
Toxoplasma Antibodies IgG & IgM (CSF) |
800 |
Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by Toxoplasma Gondii. This infection may cause problems in people whose immune systems are not at full strength because of a health problem like HIV, some types of cancer or cancer treatments and pregnant women as they can pass it to their baby. Toxoplasma IgG & IgM test is a screening test intended for use as an aid in the determination of the immunity status of patients. |
471 |
Toxoplasma IgG & IgM Ab (ECLIA) |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
800 |
Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by Toxoplasma Gondii. This infection may cause problems in people whose immune systems are not at full strength because of a health problem like HIV, some types of cancer or cancer treatments and pregnant women as they can pass it to their baby. Toxoplasma IgG & IgM test is a screening test intended for use as an aid in the determination of the immunity status of patients. |
472 |
Triglycerides |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
220 |
This test is used for quantitative determination of triglycerides in serum and plasma. Measurement obtained are used in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus, nephrosis, liver obstruction, other diseases involving lipid metabolism, or various endocrine disorders. |
473 |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
2900 |
This test is used to screen for Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)andTrisomy 18, which are chromosomal abnormalities, as well as Neural Tube Defects (NTD), such as spina bifida. The Triple screen is performed in the second trimester, usually between 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancy. |
474 |
Troponin - T |
800 |
Troponin is a type of protein found in the muscles of the heart. When heart muscles become damaged, troponin is sent into the bloodstream. As heart damage increases, greater amounts of troponin are released in the blood. This test detects the level of Troponin in the blood. Troponin T test is mostly used to diagnose a heart attack and to monitor Angina, a condition that limits blood flow to the heart and causes chest pain. Angina sometimes leads to a heart attack. |
475 |
Troponin I |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
800 |
Cardiac Troponin I (cTn I) is a cardiac muscle protein. C Tn I is released rapidly into blood after the onset of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The level of c Tn I is very low in normal healthy people, and not detected in patients with skeletal muscle injury. Therefore, c Tn I is a specific marker for diagnosis of AMI. |
476 |
Troponin I - High Sensitive |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
800 |
Cardiac Troponin I (cTn I) is a cardiac muscle protein. C Tn I is released rapidly into blood after the onset of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The level of c Tn I is very low in normal healthy people, and not detected in patients with skeletal muscle injury. Therefore, c Tn I is a specific marker for diagnosis of AMI. |
477 |
TYPHI Antibody Test |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
490 |
This test is used as an aid in the early diagnosis of typhoid infection and in the determination of recent and past infection. |
478 |
Typhidot |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
490 |
This test is used as an aid in the early diagnosis of typhoid infection and in the determination of recent and past infection. |
479 |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
150 |
This test is used along with other iron tests to assess the body's ability to transport iron in the blood. It is used to help diagnose iron-dificiency or iron overload. |
480 |
Urea |
180 |
481 |
Urea Creatinine Ratio |
380 |
482 |
Urea, CAPD Fluid |
180 |
483 |
Urease Test |
Gastric endoscopic biopsy |
550 |
Urease is an enzyme produced by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). This test detects H. pylori by finding the presence of urease in stomach lining cells through a procedure called gastric endoscopy and biopsy. This test is used to diagnose and manage gastrointestinal (digestive) disorders associated with H. pylori, such as suspected H. pylori infection or cancer of the stomach. |
484 |
Uric acid |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
230 |
Serum uric acid test is used to measure the amount of uric acid in the blood.Uric acid is a normal waste product. Kidneys filter it and leaves the body through urine. If the body makes too much uric acid or doesn't release enough into the urine, it can make crystals that form in the joints. This condition is known as gout. High uric acid levels can also cause other disorders, including kidney stones and kidney failure. |
485 |
Urinary 17-Ketosteroid |
200 |
486 |
Urinary Albumin, Random |
640 |
This test checks for small or micro mount of albumin in urine. This test is used to detect early sign of kidney damage in people who are at risk of developing kidney disease such as those with diabetes or high blood pressure. |
487 |
Urinary Amylase, Random |
600 |
488 |
Urinary Bile Pigment |
80 |
This test looks for the bile pigment in the urine. It is primarily used to check for liver diseases and dysfunction. |
489 |
Urinary Bile Salt |
80 |
Bile salts are found in the urine in certain diseases such as jaundice, liver diseases, which can be detected through this test. |
490 |
Urinary Calcium, Random |
290 |
A calcium in urine test may be used to diagnose or monitor how well the kidney are working. It may be used if symptoms of kidney stones are found, which are more likely to form if too much calcium is detected in the urine. A calcium in urine test may also help diagnose problems with the parathyroid glands in the neck. These glands help control the amount of calcium in the body. |
491 |
Urinary Chloride, Random |
180 |
This test measures the amount of chloride in urine. It may be used to evaluate electrolyte composition of urine, acid-based balance studies. It helps to distinguish whether or not a case of metabolic alkalosis is chloride-responsive (salt responsive). |
492 |
Urinary Creatinine, Random |
180 |
This test measures the amount of creatinine in urine. Urinary creatinine test is done to see how well the kidneys are working. |
493 |
Urinary Hb |
60 |
494 |
Urinary Ketone Bodies |
80 |
The test measures the ketone levels in the urine. High ketone levels in urine may indicate diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), a complication of diabetes. |
495 |
Urinary Magnesium |
400 |
The test measures the level of magnesium in urine and at the same time detects nutrition levels along with kidney problems. |
496 |
Urinary Phosphorus, Random |
250 |
Phosphorus works together with the mineral calcium to build strong bones and teeth. It also plays an essential role in nerve function and how the body uses energy. Kidneys control the amount of phosphate in the body. If there is a problem with the kidneys, it can affect the phosphate levels. Urinary Phosphorus test may be used to help diagnose kidney problems, find the cause of kidney stone and diagnose disorders of the endocrine system. |
497 |
Urinary Potassium, Random |
180 |
Potassium is an important element in cell metabolism, and it’s important in maintaining the balance of fluids and electrolytes in the body. Having too much or too little potassium can be bad. Urinary potassium test is use to check the level of potassium in the body. |
498 |
Urinary Protein Creatinine Ratio |
550 |
The test is used to monitor kidney functions. It is also useful to check for damage in case of the condition affecting the kidney and efficacy of treatment on already affected kidneys. Detecting too much of protein in urine helps identification of early kidney damage whic is almost always asymptomatic. |
499 |
Urinary Protein, Random |
350 |
The test measures the amount of protein in urine. Normally there is very little protein in urine. A large amount of protein in urine (Proteinuria) may mean that there is a problem with the kidneys. It also may be used to see if a kidney condition is responding to the treatment or when there are symptoms of urinary tract infection (UTI). |
500 |
Urinary Sodium, Random |
180 |
A urine sodium test checks the amount of sodium in urine to see whether it's at a normal level. Having too much or too little sodium can mean there's an issue with the kidneys or perhaps another health matter. |
501 |
Urinary Specific Gravity |
40 |
A urine specific gravity test compares the density of urine to the density of water. Urine that's too concentrated could mean that the kidneys aren't functioning properly. |
502 |
Urinary Urea, Random |
180 |
Urea is a waste product made when the liver breaks down protein. It is filtered out by the kidneys and removed from the body in urine. This test determines how much urea is in the urine to assess the amount of protein breakdown. The test can help determine how well the kidneys are functioning and whether the intake of protein is too high or low. |
503 |
Urinary Uric Acid Creatinine Ratio, Random |
380 |
504 |
Urinary Uric Acid, Random |
230 |
The test measures the amount of uric acid in urine. An increased amount of uric acid in the urine often indicates gout, which is a common form of arthritis and it can also be a sign of kidney stone. The test may also be used to monitor the condition during the chemotherapy or radiation therapy. These treatments can lead to an accumulation of uric acid in the body. |
505 |
Urine Analysis |
170 |
The test is used to detect and manage wide range of disorders such as urinary tract infection, kidney disease and diabetes. |
506 |
Urine Crosslaps EIA |
750 |
507 |
Urine Protein |
40 |
508 |
Urine Sugar |
50 |
509 |
Urobilinogen |
60 |
Normal urine contains some urobilinogen. Too much urobilinogen in urine may be a sign of a liver disease, such as hepatitis or cirrhosis, or certain types of anemia. Little or no urobilinogen may be a sign of other problems with the liver, gallbladder, or bile ducts. |
510 |
USG Guided FNAC Type - I |
Walk-in patient |
1900 |
511 |
USG Guided FNAC Type - II |
Walk-in patient |
2200 |
512 |
Vaginal Swab |
200 |
513 |
Vaginal Swab (Wet Film) |
180 |
514 |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
190 |
The VDRL test is a screening test for syphilis. |
515 |
Venous Blood Gas Analysis |
900 |
516 |
Vitamin B12 |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1200 |
Clinical and laboratory findings for Vitamin B12 deficiency include neurological abnormalities, macrocytic anemiae (pernicious anemiae), etc. |
517 |
1700 |
518 |
Vitamin D 25 OH |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
1790 |
Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones and teeth. It also helps keep the muscles, nerves, and immune system working normally. Extreme deficiency of vitamin D is associated with rickets and osteomalacia. Inadequate level of vitamin D is also associated with increased risk for certain cancers, autoimmune diseases and cardiovascular disease. |
519 |
Weil Felix |
300 |
520 |
Widal Test |
Serum/2-3ml WHOLE BLOOD in Red Top/SST |
300 |
The test is used for diagnosis of enteric fever ( Typhoidal or paratyphoidal fever). |
521 |
CT Abdominal Angiography |
NA |
8430 |
522 |
CT Angiography - Arch of Aorta to Circle of Willis (Cow) |
NA |
8350 |
523 |
NA |
3700 |
524 |
CT Aortogram |
NA |
8350 |
525 |
NA |
8650 |
526 |
CT Arm |
NA |
3700 |
527 |
CT Base of Skull |
NA |
2650 |
528 |
CT Base of Skull with Brain |
NA |
2850 |
529 |
CT Bony Pelvis |
NA |
3150 |
530 |
CT Brain (Involving Special Investigation) |
NA |
2650 |
531 |
CT Brain with Carotid Angiogram |
NA |
8650 |
532 |
CT Brain with CP Angle |
NA |
2850 |
533 |
CT Brain with Face |
NA |
3950 |
534 |
CT Brain with Orbit |
NA |
3900 |
535 |
CT Brain with PNS |
NA |
3950 |
536 |
CT Brain with Posterior Fossa |
NA |
2450 |
537 |
CT Brain with Sella |
NA |
3900 |
538 |
CT Brain with Temporal Bone |
NA |
3900 |
539 |
CT Brain, Contrast |
NA |
2230 |
540 |
CT Brain, Plain |
NA |
1950 |
541 |
CT Carotid Angio |
NA |
6180 |
542 |
CT Cerebral Angiography |
NA |
6180 |
543 |
CT Cervical Spine |
NA |
3450 |
544 |
CT Cervical with base of Skull |
NA |
3650 |
545 |
CT Cervico-Thoracic Spine |
NA |
4450 |
546 |
CT Chest with 3D |
NA |
4450 |
547 |
CT Colonography |
NA |
4350 |
548 |
CT Coronary Angiography |
NA |
10650 |
549 |
CT Dorsal/Thoracic Spine |
NA |
3950 |
550 |
CT Dual/Bi Phase |
NA |
6450 |
551 |
NA |
3900 |
552 |
CT Enterography |
NA |
5730 |
553 |
CT Face |
NA |
3050 |
554 |
CT Face with PNS |
NA |
4500 |
555 |
NA |
3950 |
556 |
NA |
3900 |
557 |
NA |
3900 |
558 |
CT Humerus |
NA |
3150 |
559 |
CT Internal Auditory Canal |
NA |
3050 |
560 |
NA |
3900 |
561 |
CT Knee Joints (Both) |
NA |
5150 |
562 |
NA |
6050 |
563 |
CT KUB Plain |
NA |
3750 |
564 |
CT KUB Urogram |
NA |
6730 |
565 |
CT Larynx |
NA |
3900 |
566 |
NA |
2750 |
567 |
CT Lower Abdomen |
NA |
3430 |
568 |
CT Lumbar Spine |
NA |
3450 |
569 |
CT Lumbosacral |
NA |
3350 |
570 |
CT Mandible |
NA |
3050 |
571 |
NA |
3050 |
572 |
CT Myelo |
NA |
3050 |
573 |
CT Nasopharynx |
NA |
3900 |
574 |
CT Nasopharynx with Neck |
NA |
3900 |
575 |
CT Neck |
NA |
3980 |
576 |
CT Neck with Thorax |
NA |
6650 |
577 |
CT Oral Cavity |
NA |
2950 |
578 |
CT Orbits |
NA |
3650 |
579 |
CT Palate |
NA |
3150 |
580 |
CT Patella |
NA |
2650 |
581 |
NA |
3900 |
582 |
CT Peripheral Angiography |
NA |
8430 |
583 |
NA |
4000 |
584 |
CT PNS (Ax, Sag & Cor) |
NA |
4000 |
585 |
CT PNS (Coronal) |
NA |
2050 |
586 |
CT PNS with Nasopharynx |
NA |
4450 |
587 |
CT PNS with Orbit |
NA |
4450 |
588 |
CT Posterior Fossa |
NA |
2050 |
589 |
CT Pulmonary Angiography |
NA |
6730 |
590 |
CT Renal Angiography |
NA |
6730 |
591 |
CT Review Report |
NA |
650 |
592 |
CT Review Report - Whole Abdomen |
NA |
1150 |
593 |
CT Sella |
NA |
2650 |
594 |
NA |
3900 |
595 |
CT Temporal Bone |
NA |
3150 |
596 |
NA |
3150 |
597 |
CT Thoracic Angiography |
NA |
6730 |
598 |
NA |
4950 |
599 |
CT Thorax |
NA |
3880 |
600 |
CT Thorax with Whole Abdomen |
NA |
7930 |
601 |
NA |
2050 |
602 |
CT TM Joint |
NA |
3900 |
603 |
CT Tri Phase |
NA |
7030 |
604 |
CT Tri-Phase with Whole Abdomen |
NA |
8230 |
605 |
CT Upper Abdomen |
NA |
3230 |
606 |
CT Virtual Endoscopy |
NA |
4650 |
607 |
CT Whole Abdomen |
NA |
6080 |
608 |
CT Whole Abdomen with Urogram |
NA |
6950 |
609 |
NA |
3900 |
610 |
Echocardiography |
NA |
1800 |
611 |
Echocardiography (Paediatrics) |
NA |
2500 |
612 |
Echocardiography (Screening) |
NA |
800 |
613 |
HRCT Temporal Bone |
NA |
4550 |
614 |
HRCT Thorax |
NA |
5000 |
615 |
HRCT Thorax with Whole Abdomen |
NA |
7850 |
616 |
Mammography |
NA |
1600 |
617 |
Mammography, Bilateral Breast |
NA |
1950 |
618 |
MR Abdominal Angiography |
NA |
6600 |
619 |
MR Ankle |
NA |
8200 |
620 |
MR Ankle with Foot |
NA |
12200 |
621 |
MR Ankles (Both) |
NA |
9200 |
622 |
MR Arm |
NA |
7700 |
623 |
MR Both Legs |
NA |
10200 |
624 |
MR Brachial Plexus |
NA |
7700 |
625 |
NA |
6100 |
626 |
MR Brain Screening |
NA |
2800 |
627 |
MR Brain with Cerebral Angiography |
NA |
7700 |
628 |
MR Brain with Inner Ear |
NA |
7200 |
629 |
MR Brain with Orbits |
NA |
9000 |
630 |
MR Brain with Sella |
NA |
7000 |
631 |
MR Brain with Spectroscopy |
NA |
7000 |
632 |
MR Brain with Venogram |
NA |
8200 |
633 |
NA |
6350 |
634 |
MR Brain, Contrast with CP Angles |
NA |
7300 |
635 |
MR Breast(s) |
NA |
8200 |
636 |
MR Cardiac |
NA |
8200 |
637 |
NA |
5200 |
638 |
MR Cerebral and Carotid Angiography |
NA |
8200 |
639 |
NA |
5200 |
640 |
NA |
6600 |
641 |
MR Cervical Spine Screening |
NA |
2800 |
642 |
MR Cervico-Thoracic Spine |
NA |
7000 |
643 |
MR Cervico-Thoracic Spine Screening |
NA |
3200 |
644 |
MR Cranio-Vertebral Junction |
NA |
6500 |
645 |
MR Dorsal Spine Screening |
NA |
2800 |
646 |
MR Dorso-Lumbar Spine |
NA |
7000 |
647 |
MR Dorso-Lumbar Spine Screening |
NA |
3400 |
648 |
MR Elbow |
NA |
7700 |
649 |
MR Elbows (Both) |
NA |
10200 |
650 |
MR Face |
NA |
6500 |
651 |
MR Fistulogram |
NA |
6200 |
652 |
MR Foot |
NA |
7700 |
653 |
MR Forearm |
NA |
7700 |
654 |
MR Hand |
NA |
7500 |
655 |
NA |
7700 |
656 |
MR Hip Joint Screening |
NA |
3700 |
657 |
MR Internal Auditory Canal |
NA |
5200 |
658 |
NA |
7700 |
659 |
MR Knee Joints (Both) |
NA |
10200 |
660 |
NA |
6800 |
661 |
MR L.S. Spine Screening |
NA |
2800 |
662 |
MR Leg |
NA |
7700 |
663 |
MR Lower Abdomen |
NA |
6250 |
664 |
MR Mandible |
NA |
8200 |
665 |
NA |
6200 |
666 |
NA |
8250 |
667 |
MR Oral Cavity / Tongue |
NA |
8200 |
668 |
NA |
8200 |
669 |
NA |
6100 |
670 |
MR Peripheral Angiography |
NA |
8200 |
671 |
NA |
6100 |
672 |
NA |
8200 |
673 |
MR Posterior Fossa |
NA |
5500 |
674 |
MR Posterior Fossa with Cervical Spine |
NA |
6200 |
675 |
MR Posterior Fossa with CV Junction |
NA |
6600 |
676 |
MR Prostate |
NA |
7200 |
677 |
MR Review Report |
NA |
1300 |
678 |
MR Review Report - Whole Abdomen |
NA |
1200 |
679 |
NA |
6150 |
680 |
NA |
7700 |
681 |
MR SI Joint |
NA |
7700 |
682 |
MR SI Joint Screening |
NA |
3200 |
683 |
NA |
5200 |
684 |
NA |
5500 |
685 |
MR Spectroscopy |
NA |
4200 |
686 |
MR Temporal Bone |
NA |
5500 |
687 |
MR Thigh |
NA |
7700 |
688 |
NA |
8200 |
689 |
NA |
6200 |
690 |
MR Triphase |
NA |
6700 |
691 |
MR Tri-Phase with Whole Abdomen |
NA |
9750 |
692 |
NA |
6250 |
693 |
MR Upper Abdomen (Screening) |
NA |
3200 |
694 |
MR Urography |
NA |
6700 |
695 |
MR Venogram |
NA |
5500 |
696 |
NA |
8250 |
697 |
MR Whole Spine |
NA |
12700 |
698 |
MR Whole Spine (Screening) |
NA |
4700 |
699 |
MR Wrist Joint |
NA |
7700 |
700 |
MR Wrist Joint (Bone Age) |
NA |
1700 |
701 |
NA |
7000 |
702 |
MRCP with Whole Abdomen |
NA |
9700 |
703 |
Sonohysterosalpingogram |
NA |
1000 |
704 |
Transperineal Ultrasonography |
NA |
700 |
705 |
Trans-Rectal Ultrasound (TRUS) |
NA |
1200 |
706 |
Trans-Vaginal Sonography |
NA |
680 |
707 |
Trans-Vaginal Sonography (Screening) |
NA |
350 |
708 |
TVS (3D) Antral Follicular Count |
NA |
800 |
709 |
TVS (Doppler) |
NA |
800 |
710 |
Ultrasonography Ankle |
NA |
1200 |
711 |
Ultrasonography Axilla |
NA |
500 |
712 |
Ultrasonography Breast |
NA |
1000 |
713 |
Ultrasonography Calf/Leg |
NA |
800 |
714 |
Ultrasonography Chest |
NA |
600 |
715 |
Ultrasonography Chest (Screening) |
NA |
350 |
716 |
Ultrasonography Cranium |
NA |
1100 |
717 |
Ultrasonography Doppler Study |
NA |
1200 |
718 |
Ultrasonography Elbow |
NA |
1200 |
719 |
Ultrasonography Eyes |
NA |
800 |
720 |
Ultrasonography G.B. area |
NA |
350 |
721 |
Ultrasonography Gluteal Region |
NA |
800 |
722 |
Ultrasonography Hip Joint |
NA |
1200 |
723 |
Ultrasonography Inguinal Region |
NA |
800 |
724 |
Ultrasonography Knee |
NA |
1200 |
725 |
Ultrasonography KUB |
NA |
680 |
726 |
Ultrasonography KUB (Screening) |
NA |
350 |
727 |
Ultrasonography Lower Abdomen |
NA |
680 |
728 |
Ultrasonography Lower Abdomen (Screening) |
NA |
350 |
729 |
Ultrasonography Musculo-Skeletal |
NA |
1200 |
730 |
Ultrasonography Neck |
NA |
1500 |
731 |
Ultrasonography Obs. |
NA |
830 |
732 |
Ultrasonography Obs. (Screening) |
NA |
350 |
733 |
Ultrasonography Obs. (Twin) |
NA |
1000 |
734 |
Ultrasonography Obs. (Twin) with NT |
NA |
1500 |
735 |
Ultrasonography Obs. with NT |
NA |
950 |
736 |
Ultrasonography Parotid |
NA |
800 |
737 |
Ultrasonography Scapula |
NA |
700 |
738 |
Ultrasonography Screening |
NA |
200 |
739 |
Ultrasonography Scrotum |
NA |
950 |
740 |
Ultrasonography Shoulder |
NA |
1200 |
741 |
Ultrasonography Small Part |
NA |
1000 |
742 |
Ultrasonography Thyroid |
NA |
950 |
743 |
Ultrasonography Upper Abdomen |
NA |
680 |
744 |
Ultrasonography Upper Abdomen (Screening) |
NA |
350 |
745 |
Ultrasonography Whole Abdomen |
NA |
1200 |
746 |
Ultrasonography Whole Abdomen (Screening) |
NA |
550 |
747 |
Ultrasonography Wrist Joint |
NA |
1200 |
748 |
USG Biophysical Profile (Manning`s Score) |
NA |
1500 |
749 |
USG Doppler Study (Abdominal Aorta) |
NA |
1550 |
750 |
USG Doppler Study (Both Upper/Lower Limbs) |
NA |
6500 |
751 |
USG Doppler Study (Carotid) |
NA |
3500 |
752 |
USG Doppler Study (Limb) |
NA |
3500 |
753 |
USG Doppler Study (Liver) |
NA |
3500 |
754 |
USG Doppler Study (Lower Abdomen for Foetal Well Being) |
NA |
1900 |
755 |
USG Doppler Study (Lower Abdomen for Twin Foetal Well Being) |
NA |
2800 |
756 |
USG Doppler Study (Lower Abdomen) |
NA |
950 |
757 |
USG Doppler Study (Orbit) |
NA |
1800 |
758 |
USG Doppler Study (Renal) |
NA |
2800 |
759 |
USG Doppler Study (Thyroid) |
NA |
2800 |
760 |
USG Doppler Study (Velocimetry of Ovaries) |
NA |
1800 |
761 |
USG Doppler Study (Whole Abdomen) |
NA |
2800 |
762 |
USG Foetal Well Being, Congenital Anomaly |
NA |
2900 |
763 |
USG Foetal Well Being, Follow up of Congenital Anomaly |
NA |
700 |
764 |
USG Guided Cystic Fluid Aspiration |
NA |
1000 |
765 |
USG Soft Tissue |
NA |
800 |
766 |
USG Triplet Foetal Well Being, Congenital Anomaly |
NA |
6500 |
767 |
USG Twin Foetal Well Being, Congenital Anomaly |
NA |
4500 |
768 |
X-Ray Abdomen |
NA |
380 |
769 |
X-Ray Abdomen AP/Lat View |
NA |
450 |
770 |
X-Ray Abdomen Erect |
NA |
380 |
771 |
X-Ray Angiogram |
NA |
400 |
772 |
X-Ray Ankle Joint |
NA |
380 |
773 |
X-Ray Ankles (Both) |
NA |
400 |
774 |
X-ray Apicogram |
NA |
380 |
775 |
X-ray Arm AP/Lat |
NA |
380 |
776 |
X-Ray Barium Enema |
NA |
1600 |
777 |
X-Ray Barium Follow Through |
NA |
1600 |
778 |
X-Ray Barium Meal Stomach/Duodenum |
NA |
1600 |
779 |
X-Ray Barium Swallow Oesophagus |
NA |
1600 |
780 |
X-Ray Base of Skull |
NA |
380 |
781 |
X-Ray Bone Age Estimation by TW3 |
NA |
1200 |
782 |
X-ray Both T.M. Joints |
NA |
450 |
783 |
X-ray Calcaneum |
NA |
380 |
784 |
X-Ray Calcaneum Axial View |
NA |
380 |
785 |
X-Ray Cervical Flexion and Extension |
NA |
400 |
786 |
X-Ray Cervical Spine |
NA |
570 |
787 |
X-Ray Cervical Spine - Lat View |
NA |
380 |
788 |
X-Ray Cervical Spine AP View |
NA |
380 |
789 |
X-Ray Cervical Spine Both Oblique |
NA |
400 |
790 |
X-Ray Cervico-Thoracic Spine AP/Lat |
NA |
570 |
791 |
X-Ray Chest AP |
NA |
380 |
792 |
X-Ray Chest AP & Lat |
NA |
570 |
793 |
X-Ray Chest Lat. View |
NA |
380 |
794 |
X-ray Chest Oblique View |
NA |
380 |
795 |
X-Ray Chest P.A. |
NA |
380 |
796 |
X-Ray Chest PA & Lat. View |
NA |
570 |
797 |
X-ray Chest PA/Oblique View |
NA |
570 |
798 |
X-Ray Clavicle |
NA |
380 |
799 |
X-ray Coccyx - AP/Lat |
NA |
570 |
800 |
X-Ray Cystogram |
NA |
1650 |
801 |
X-Ray Decubitus |
NA |
380 |
802 |
X-Ray Distal Cologram |
NA |
1600 |
803 |
X-ray Dorsal Spine AP/Lat. |
NA |
450 |
804 |
X-Ray Dorsal Spine Lat |
NA |
380 |
805 |
X-Ray Dorso Lumbar Spine |
NA |
570 |
806 |
X-ray Dorso-Lumbar Spine - Lat View |
NA |
380 |
807 |
X-Ray Elbow |
NA |
380 |
808 |
X-Ray Elbows (Both) |
NA |
450 |
809 |
X-Ray Feet (Both) |
NA |
450 |
810 |
X-Ray Femur AP/Lat |
NA |
450 |
811 |
X-ray Fistulogram |
NA |
1650 |
812 |
X-ray Foot |
NA |
380 |
813 |
X-Ray Forearm |
NA |
380 |
814 |
X-Ray Forearms (Both) |
NA |
450 |
815 |
X-RAY Hand |
NA |
380 |
816 |
X-Ray Hands (Both) |
NA |
450 |
817 |
X-Ray Heel |
NA |
380 |
818 |
X-Ray Heels (Both) |
NA |
450 |
819 |
X-Ray Hip AP/Lat |
NA |
400 |
820 |
X-Ray Hip Joint |
NA |
380 |
821 |
X-ray Hip Lat |
NA |
380 |
822 |
X-Ray Hystero-S-Gram |
NA |
1850 |
823 |
X-Ray I.V.P Series |
NA |
1850 |
824 |
X-Ray K.U.B Region |
NA |
380 |
825 |
X-RAY Knee Joint |
NA |
380 |
826 |
X-Ray Knees (Both) |
NA |
570 |
827 |
X-Ray L.S. Spine AP |
NA |
380 |
828 |
X-Ray L.S. Spine Both Oblique View |
NA |
400 |
829 |
X-Ray L.S. Spine Flexion & Extension |
NA |
400 |
830 |
X-Ray L.S. Spine Lateral View |
NA |
380 |
831 |
X-Ray Leg |
NA |
380 |
832 |
X-Ray Legs (Both) |
NA |
450 |
833 |
X-Ray Mandible |
NA |
380 |
834 |
X-ray Mandible Both Lat/Oblique |
NA |
380 |
835 |
X-Ray Mandible Lat Oblique |
NA |
380 |
836 |
X-Ray Mastoid (Laws View) |
NA |
380 |
837 |
X-Ray Mastoid (Townes and Laws View) |
NA |
400 |
838 |
X-Ray Mastoid (Towns View/Lat) |
NA |
380 |
839 |
X-ray Mastoid Town`s View |
NA |
380 |
840 |
X-ray Maxilla PA View |
NA |
350 |
841 |
X-Ray Micturating Cystourethrogram |
NA |
1600 |
842 |
X-Ray Myelogram |
NA |
750 |
843 |
X-Ray Nasal Bone |
NA |
380 |
844 |
X-Ray Nasal Bone AP/Lat |
NA |
400 |
845 |
X-Ray Nasopharynx Lat |
NA |
380 |
846 |
X-Ray Nephrostogram |
NA |
1600 |
847 |
X-Ray Orbits AP/Lat View |
NA |
380 |
848 |
X-Ray P.N.S |
NA |
380 |
849 |
X-Ray Patella |
NA |
380 |
850 |
X-Ray Patella Skyline View |
NA |
380 |
851 |
X-Ray Pelvis |
NA |
380 |
852 |
X-Ray Pelvis AP/Lat |
NA |
400 |
853 |
X-Ray Pelvis Both S.I. Joint |
NA |
400 |
854 |
X-ray Retrograde Urethrogram |
NA |
1650 |
855 |
X-ray S.I. Joint |
NA |
350 |
856 |
X-ray S.I. Joint AP/Oblique |
NA |
570 |
857 |
X-RAY S.I. Joint Both Oblique |
NA |
570 |
858 |
X-Ray Scapula |
NA |
380 |
859 |
X-Ray Shoulder |
NA |
380 |
860 |
X-Ray Shoulder AP/Lat |
NA |
400 |
861 |
X-ray Sialogram |
NA |
1600 |
862 |
X-Ray Sinogram |
NA |
1650 |
863 |
X-Ray Skull (Lateral) |
NA |
380 |
864 |
X-Ray Skull AP |
NA |
380 |
865 |
X-Ray Skull Ap/Lat |
NA |
400 |
866 |
X-ray Soft Tissue Neck |
NA |
380 |
867 |
X-Ray Soft Tissue Neck AP |
NA |
380 |
868 |
X-Ray Soft Tissue Neck AP/Lateral |
NA |
570 |
869 |
X-ray Spine AP/Lat |
NA |
570 |
870 |
X-Ray Sternum AP/Lat |
NA |
400 |
871 |
X-Ray Sternum Lat |
NA |
380 |
872 |
X-ray Styloid Process |
NA |
380 |
873 |
X-Ray T.M. Joint |
NA |
380 |
874 |
X-ray T.M. Joint Open Mouth & Closed |
NA |
400 |
875 |
X-Ray Thigh |
NA |
450 |
876 |
X-Ray Thighs (Both) |
NA |
600 |
877 |
X-Ray Thoraco Lumbar Spine |
NA |
570 |
878 |
X-ray T-Tube Cholangiogram |
NA |
1600 |
879 |
X-Ray Urethrocystogram |
NA |
1600 |
880 |
X-Ray Whole Spine AP |
NA |
750 |
881 |
X-Ray Wrist Joint |
NA |
380 |
882 |
X-Ray Wrists (Both) |
NA |
450 |
883 |
Body Composition (DEXA Scan) |
NA |
2500 |
884 |
NA |
450 |
885 |
Bone Densitometry (DEXA - Lower Limb) |
NA |
1200 |
886 |
Bone Densitometry (DEXA - Upper Limb) |
NA |
1200 |
887 |
NA |
1700 |
888 |
NA |
2600 |
889 |
NA |
1300 |
890 |
Colonoscopy |
NA |
5500 |
891 |
Colposcopy |
NA |
1300 |
892 |
NA |
1400 |
893 |
FibroScan Examination Report |
NA |
2400 |
894 |
GI Endoscopy (Therapeutic) |
NA |
1500 |
895 |
Hearing Aid |
NA |
200 |
896 |
NA |
1200 |
897 |
NA |
1200 |
898 |
Pure Tone Audiometry |
NA |
800 |
899 |
Spirometry |
NA |
450 |
900 |
Upper GI Endoscopy |
NA |
1750 |