Frequently Asked Questions
Laboratory tests and general queries
Can I request my own laboratory tests?
Individuals can order tests themselves but if you are interested in having a specific laboratory test performed, it is best that you ask your healthcare provider if the test is appropriate for you.
Do I need to fast before being tested?
Some blood tests do require fasting prior to having your blood drawn. Please contact your healthcare provider to determine the requirements for your specific testing.
How long does it take to receive test results?
Depending on the test performed, unless for emergency tests, most tests are completed and reported within about 6 hours of receiving the sample for testing. Certain tests take several days to weeks.
What test should I order? What if I have a specific condition?
BABINA Diagnostics can’t tell you which tests to order. You can find an explanation of our tests on our website, but if you’re not sure, we strongly recommend speaking with your doctor.
Can I order tests under another name?
No. Laboratory tests must be performed on the person whose name is on the specimen. We verify ID so we know the orders and specimens are accurate.
What is fasting?
For the most reliable results, do not eat or drink anything except water before having a lab test—usually for 8 hours or more. Continue taking your prescription medications. If you normally take your medication with food, ask your doctor before fasting.
How do I get my results?
You can get your results from our report delivery counter or download your reports directly from our website. If you want the results to be emailed to you directly, please state this requirement of yours at the time of registration to our receptionists. Some reports like ECG, DEXA scans, etc. will not be available for download directly. For radiological investigations that come along with films (Ultrasound, X-ray, CT scan, MRI, etc.), even though the reports are available for downloads from our website, the films could only be taken from our report counter.
How do I know what my results mean?
We urge you to share your results with your doctor. Your doctor can help you interpret your results so you can make the best decisions for your health. It is the responsibility of the person who was tested to consult their healthcare provider for test result interpretation.
Do we accept credit cards?
Yes, we accept all major credit cards.
What if tests were not performed?
If we were unable to perform a test that was ordered, you will not be charged. If you prepaid, you will be refunded the amount of the test. Deductions apply in certain cases.
Can I get a refund?
Once a specimen is collected and a test is performed a refund cannot be given.
What do I need to bring for my test?
You will need to bring doctor’s prescription and all other previous test reports. If you are a Privilege Card holder, please bring the card along when you come for test at BABINA Diagnostics. This will enable us identify you properly.
Do I need to fast?
Not all tests require fasting beforehand. However, there are some tests which will require you to fast for 10-12 hours, for example, cholesterol, lipids, fasting sugar, etc. Fasting should not exceed 12 hours. For these tests, we recommend that you fast overnight. You can drink water during this time and take any medication you would normally take, unless advised otherwise by your doctor.
What does fasting involve?
If fasting is required, you should not have anything to eat or drink (with the exception of water) for 10-12 hours before your test. Unless advised by your doctor, you should take all regular medication. If you are diabetic or have any concerns, please contact your doctor before fasting. Please notify us if you have fasted for longer than 12 hours as prolonged fasting may affect your results.
Do I still take my medications?
Your doctor will advise if you are to stop taking your medication. Please check with your doctor if you are unsure.
I need to have a blood test what does this involve?
A blood test involves taking blood from a vein in your arm. It is important that we make sure all of your personal details are correct. Our staff will ask your name, age and will also check your contact details, the doctor’s details and other questions that are specific to the testing (for example, Have you fasted for 10-12 hours?. At the sample collection area, you may be asked of all the details again by the phlebotomist just to confirm if your details are correct. If you feel uncomfortable about the needle piercing, please do not hesitate to inform our staff. You may prefer to lie down if you are feeling faint or nervous.
Am I at the risk of catching anything by having my blood taken?
No. It is the policy of BABINA Diagnostics to use sterile equipment when taking blood samples from patients. Our specimen collection staff are trained in infection control.
I have to give a urine/sputum/stool/sperm sample How do I do this?
As tests vary, our sample collection staff will give you instructions on how to collect the sample. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
How do I know that my samples will not be mixed up in the laboratory?
Our sample collection staff will confirm your details with you at every visit. Each sample is barcoded and labelled after collection. A Lab ID is given to your request form and samples to ensure that they are not mixed up. Besides the barcode, we have other checks in place throughout the testing procedure to ensure that the testing is performed with the highest possible standards.
When will my results be ready?
Depending on the test performed, most routine tests will be completed and reported on the same day. There are certain tests that take days to weeks. To assist you in organising an appointment with your doctor, we encourage you to ask your doctor when the results will be available.
Are my laboratory test results confidential?
Yes. Your medical information is confidential. The results of your tests are given only to you, and only to your doctor, if your doctor asks us. For example, your doctor may have referred you to a specialist physician who needs to see your lab test reports. On very rare occasions, full disclosure of the contents of medical records may be required by an order of the court of law
How significant is the radiation in an X-ray?
The average amount of exposure to an X-ray is very low and is well within the acceptable amount recommended.
What does one do if an X-ray is required during pregnancy?
The X-ray technician should be informed and he should cover the lower abdomen with a lead apron. In case one’s pregnancy status is unknown, it is still a good idea to ask for protective cover.
Isn’t barium awful to taste?
No at Babina Diagnostics, it is pleasantly flavoured.
How long does a barium test take to perform?
An upper G.I. series takes 30 minutes. A full study takes 3-4 hours.
In these days of hi-tech investigations, are X-rays getting redundant?
No, X-rays are a very cost effective means of diagnosis, particularly where diseases of chest, bones & joints are concerned.
What is computerized radiography?
Computerised radiography is a type of X-ray that uses a small sensor instead of the film used in conventional X-rays.
What are its advantages?
There are numerous advantages of obtaining digital images for conventional radiology:
- Marked improvement in image quality with better trabecular details.
- No need for retakes as variations in exposure can be adjusted on the monitor after the image has been obtained. Thus a perfect image can be printed.
- Multiple images from one exposure thus providing complete satisfaction to different specialist doctors.
- Multiple images on one film thus resulting in saving on film.
- Abnormal portions can be enlarged, highlighted and labelled.
- Images can be documented on CD, high quality paper or viewed on a monitor, thus providing cheaper options.
Diagnostic Radiology Details:
All types of X-rays are taken at Babina Diagnostics.
- At Babina Diagnostics, X-rays are taken on computerized radiography platform.
- Online instructions for Diagnostic Radiology.
- No special preparation is required for X-rays except for procedures and X-ray of abdomen.
- For Barium studies procedures, overnight fasting is required.
- For intravenous urography (IVU or IVP) 4 hours fasting is adequate.
- Appointments are generally given in the morning.
- It is advisable to take a mild purgative (Dulcolax) for a spine X-ray the night before in case of constipation to ensure adequate bowel preparation. This should not be taken however if appendicitis is suspected.
- Barium Enema studies are generally performed in the afternoon time as it is a time consuming procedure, requires privacy and does not require total fasting as the patient may have tea/coffee and something light to eat in the morning.
- For two nights prior to the study, a mild purgative (Dulcolax) is advisable. One day prior to the study, a total liquid diet avoiding all types of fatty food and milk products is to be taken all throughout the day.
- The preparation mentioned above is an ideal preparation. However in an urgent scenario where a barium enema is required, the patient may have a simple enema to evacuate the bowels and barium enema can be performed.
- Diabetic patients should take as early an appointment as possible and inform the centre of the same.
- For a HSG (Hystero Salpingography) 3 hours of fasting is necessary. The X-ray should be performed on the 6th or 7th day of the cycle.
- It is advisable to come in comfortable clothing.
- Please bring along reports of any prior X-ray.
- X-rays can be harmful to the developing fetus in a pregnant lady. Therefore it is advisable for pregnant ladies to inform the doctor of their condition.
Note – If you have an appointment for only routine X-rays, it is advisable to take an appointment for the afternoon to ensure less waiting time.
What is ultrasound?
Ultrasound or sonography, involves the use of high frequency sound waves (not X-rays) to obtain diagnostic images. Ultrasound imaging is used to evaluate many parts of the body, including the abdomen, blood vessels, fetus of pregnant women, superficial body structures, and newborn brain to name only a few.
What an ultrasound used for?
Ultrasound may be used among other things, to detect and investigate:
- All diseases of the organs of the abdominal cavity in early stages.
- Tumors of uterus and ovaries and abnormalities of reproductive organs.
- Maturation of eggs and changes of endometrium in different stages of menstrual cycle.
- Early pregnancy, including entopic pregnancy.
- Development of fetuses and possible malformations of fetuses.
- Position of the foetus, position of the placenta in the uterus and changes in it. It is also possible to estimate the quantity of amniotic fluid, evaluate heart function and breathing movements of the foetus.
How is an ultrasound performed?
For most ultrasound exams, the patient is positioned lying face-up on an examination table that can be tilted or moved. A clear gel is applied to the area of the body being studied to help the transducer make secure contact with the body and eliminate air pockets between the transducer and the skin. The sonologist or radiologist then presses the transducer firmly against the skin and sweeps it back and forth over the area of interest. Doppler sonography is performed using the same transducer. When the examination is complete, the patient may be asked to dress and wait while the ultrasound images are reviewed. However, the sonographer or radiologist is often able to review the ultrasound images in real-time as they are acquired and the patient can be released immediately. In some ultrasound studies, the transducer is attached to a probe and inserted into a natural opening in the body. These exams include:
- Transesophageal echocardiogram: The transducer is inserted into the esophagus to obtain images of the heart.
- Transrectal ultrasound: The transducer is inserted into a man’s rectum to view the prostate.
- Transvaginal ultrasound: The transducer is inserted into a woman’s vagina to view the uterus and ovaries.
Most ultrasound examinations are completed within 30 minutes to an hour.
Is sonography harmful? Does it have any limitations?
No harmful effects of sonography are known even on the embryo of the foetus of a pregnant woman. Ultrasound waves cannot penetrate air & bone and hence sonography has limited applications in regions like the skull and chest.
What will I experience during and after the procedure?
Most ultrasound examinations are painless, fast and easy. After you are positioned on the examination table, the radiologist or sonologist will spread some warm gel on your skin and then press the transducer firmly against your body, moving it back and forth over the area of interest until the desired images are captured. There may be varying degrees of discomfort from pressure as the transducer is pressed against the area being examined. If scanning is performed over an area of tenderness, you may feel pressure or minor pain from the procedure. Ultrasound exams in which the transducer is attached to probe and inserted into an opening of the body may produce minimal discomfort. If a Doppler ultrasound study is performed, you may actually hear pulse-like sounds that change in pitch as the blood flow is monitored and measured. Once the imaging is complete, the gel will be wiped off your skin. After an ultrasound exam, you should be able to resume your normal activities.
What is Colour Doppler?
Colour Doppler is colour-encoded sonography of the blood vessels. Blood flow is seen in colour. It is like sonography and there is no involvement of any injection of contrast.
What is 3D sonography?
3D sonography is 3 Dimensional display of the surface of a structure like a foetal face/spine or any other part of the body.
What is endovaginal sonography?
It is sonography done for better visualisation of the uterus & the ovaries. A high-resolution endovaginal probe is inserted into the vagina for this examination. It is not painful. It is done as a routine at our centre as it is observed that at times even fairly prominent lesions can be missed if only trans-abdominal sonography is performed. It does not require a full bladder.
Is dating and weight estimation 100% accurate?
Dating and weight estimation are just estimates based on statistical data of the baby size. It is not 100% accurate but predicts the dating and weight estimation up to +/- 10%.
When do I get the results?
When the test is complete, the sonologist and the radiologist will review the ultrasound images on film or on a computer monitor. You will then be asked to collect your report on a specified time.
What is CT Scan?
A “CT” or “CAT” scan is the term used to describe a radiological test known as “computerized tomography.” CT can see inside the brain and other parts of the body, into areas that cannot be seen on regular X-ray examinations. CT makes it possible to diagnose certain diseases earlier and more accurately than with other imaging tools. Because most diseases are better treated when found early, CT scans can help save lives.
How do CT scans differ from MRI scans?
CT and MRI images sometimes look very similar, but the equipment used to perform the scan is different. CT uses ionizing radiation just as with a routine X-Ray, while MRI uses a magnetic field. Depending on the clinical indications, one may be preferred over the other, or both may be desirable. CT scanners are faster and as a result, movement is not as problematic as with MRI scanner.
What will I feel during the scan?
CT scanning causes no pain, just as a routine X-Ray is painless. If intravenous contrast is used, you may feel warm and flush and get a metallic taste in your mouth and you may feel like you are wetting yourself. These sensations normally disappear after a few minutes. Contrast agents are used to image tissues and structures that are not normally seen or not seen very well. Intravenous contrast agents are used to enhance organs and visualize blood vessels. Oral contrast agents are used to visualize the digestive tract.
Is it uncomfortable? Is it dangerous?
The test itself is completely painless but some people find it uncomfortable to lie in the tunnel. As there is little room inside the tunnel, people who suffer from severe claustrophobia sometimes have problems with CT Scans. Depending on the type of study being done, you may be injected with, or be asked to drink, contrast material. Because contrast agents contain iodine, which causes an allergic reaction in some individuals, you are advised to tell the technician or radiologist if you have had an allergic reaction to these agents before, or if you have any other allergies. CT scanners use X-rays. For your safety, the amount of radiation is kept to an absolute minimum and our equipment is kept in top shape. Because X-rays can harm a developing foetus, you should however tell your doctor if you are, or think you may be, pregnant before preparing for the CT exam.
Aren’t CT Scans mainly for the head?
Originally, CT scans were developed mainly to detect abnormalities in the brain. Technology has become so advanced, however, that CT scans have proven beneficial for all parts of the body.
How is a CT Scan performed?
The scanner looks like a large doughnut. During the scan, the patient lies on a bed with the body part under examination placed in the large round tunnel or opening of the scanner. The bed then moves slowly backwards and forwards to allow the scanner to take pictures of the body, although it does not touch the patient. You should get comfortable because it is very important that you do not move during the test. CT examinations differ depending on your medical problem and the part of your body being studied. The radiologist will plan an examination that is best suited for you. The length of the test depends on the number of pictures and the different angles taken. For example, if your abdomen is being studied, a series of pictures will be taken from your lower chest down to the upper pelvis. During such a study, you will be asked to hold your breath so that the pictures will not be blurred. As part of your test, before or during the study, you may be given an injection of a contrast agent. This allows the radiologist to obtain clearer images of your organs. If you have any discomfort during the test or after the injection, be sure to inform the technician. All the CT personnel are trained and certified and know how to help you
What happens after the scan?
Once the CT personnel are sure that enough information has been collected, you may leave and go about your normal activities without restriction.
How soon can I get the results?
Our radiologists who specialize in this type of imaging will review your exam. Reports will be made available the same day.
Should I have a CT scan if I am pregnant?
No. If you are pregnant or suspect that you may be, you should not have a CT scan or any type of X-ray examination. You should inform the technologist if you suspect you may be pregnant. Alternative arrangements may be made to meet your medical needs.
What prior information should I provide to the doctor before the test?
You should volunteer information to the radiologist if you have ailments like asthma, heart or kidney disorders, history of allergy, diabetes, or a previous reaction to contrast media. It is most important for the radiologist to have this information to enable him to choose a contrast medium most suitable to you.
What happens with a CT biopsy?
A biopsy is the removal of a small piece of tissue or fluid for laboratory examination. In needle biopsy, you will feel a small pinch at the site of the biopsy. Local anaesthesia is generally used to make the procedure pain-free. A needle biopsy removes tissue using a hollow tube called syringe. A needle is passed through the syringe into the area of concern. The tissue is taken out using this needle. Needle biopsies are performed in Diagnostic Imaging using CT scan, ultrasound or fluoroscopy which guides the radiologist to the appropriate area.
Equipments used at BABINA Diagnostics:
- SOMATOM Emotion 16-slice CT scanner, SIEMENS
- OPTIMA 660 128-slice CT scanner, GE Healthcare
Online instructions for CT Scan:
On the day of your CT scan, you are advised not to consume anything (both solids and liquids) for three hours prior to your CT appointment.
- Plan to arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment.
- You will be asked to fill out a consent form and a brief questionnaire about your medical history, medications, and allergies.
- An oral contrast will be administered for CT Scan of upper and lower abdomen (pelvis).
- This contrast will be administered before the examination for an hour prior to a scan of the upper abdomen and two hours prior to a scan of both the upper and lower abdomen (pelvis). The reason for this is that it takes 1 hour for visualisation of bowels in the upper abdomen after the oral contrast has been administered and two hours for the contrast to reach the lower abdomen (pelvis) for a CT Scan of both the upper and lower abdomen.
- In quite a few cases, it is not unusual to have a bout of mild loose motions for a day or so after the intake of the oral contrast.
- The contrast is of two types – ionic and non-ionic. The difference between the two is as follows:
- The ionic contrast is known to have more chances of a few adverse reactions which vary from mild nausea to vomiting to a severe shock. However non-ionic contrast has lesser chances of the above side effects and is more safe but slightly more expensive than the ionic contrast.
- For a CT Scan of the brain, a plain study without contrast does not require any preparation. However, the CT Scan of the brain with contrast needs 3 hours of fasting. The idea of fasting is that there is no residual food content in the stomach.
- For a CT Scan of the sinus: The same preparation is required as that for the brain.
- For a CT Scan of the neck and chest, 3 hours fasting is required.
- A plain CT Scan of the chest is followed by an injection of IV contrast.
- For a high resolution CT of the chest, no preparation is required as no contrast is required. However it is advisable to have 3 hours fasting in case there is a necessity to inject a contrast.
- For a CT Scan of the joints and spine, no specific preparations are necessary. However it is advisable to have 3 hours fasting in case there is a necessity to inject a contrast.
- The patient is advised to come in loose, comfortable clothing.
Note – Please bring along all previous medical reports including those of any prior CT Scan to enable our doctor to make an accurate estimation of your medical history.
What is ECG?
An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a non-invasive procedure that uses sound waves (ultrasound) to evaluate how well the heart is working. It is a graphic display of the electrical activity of the heart.
How is an ECG performed?
You will be brought to the ECG department in the Centre where the technician will ask you to disrobe from the waist up, put on a gown, and lie down on a small bed. Gel is applied to the chest and a transducer is moved over the chest area to produce an image of the internal structures of the heart. The test will take from 15 to 30 minutes depending on the patient’s condition. It is not uncomfortable or dangerous.
Why is an ECG done?
An ECG may be done as part of a routine physical exam. It may be repeated any time there are questions about the working of your heart.
The test will help the doctor :
- to determine the overall function of the heart.
- to evaluate the size of the heart and its pumping chambers (ventricles).
- to evaluate how well the valves are working.
- to ascertain if there is any structural defect (like hole in the partitions of heart’s chambers and narrowing or absence of valve/s).
- to see if there is any evidence of blood clot, tumor or infection of the heart valves.
- to see if there is any fluid around the heart.
Is there any need to take a prior appointment?
Although prior appointment is not mandatory, pre-registration one or two days prior to the scheduled day of the test may facilitate saving considerable time on the day of test.
Online instructions for ECG :
- No restrictions on food and liquid prior to test.
- You are advised to wear a two piece outfit for convenience as you will be asked to disrobe from the waist up and electrodes need to be attached to the chest during the course of the test.
- Please bring along reports of a prior ECG (if done).
- In order to ensure that all procedures are carried out in a smooth, relaxed and unhurried manner, it is advisable to report at least 10-15 minutes prior the appointment time.
“MRI,” which stands for “Magnetic Resonance Imaging,” is a non-invasive way to take pictures of the body. Unlike X-rays and CT Scans, which use radiation, MRI uses a powerful magnet and precisely programmed radio signals to “see” inside the body, beyond what an X-ray can see. MRI shows normal anatomic structures (brain, organs, blood vessels, etc.) as well as structural or chemical alteration of tissue by disease. With MRI, it is often possible to diagnose disease at a very early stage, before it is visible by other means. Because most diseases are better treated when found early, MRI scans are becoming increasingly useful.
Is it uncomfortable? Is it dangerous?
An MRI exam causes no pain and is safe for most people. However, MRI cannot be performed on certain individuals, such as those who have cardiac pacemakers or certain other metal implants. If you have had any surgical implants, please discuss this with your doctor. With technological advances though, today most surgical implants are MRI compatible so one need not worry about the same.
How is it performed?
In the MRI suite you will be asked to lie on a narrow, movable table that will gradually slide you through the circular bore of a large, doughnut-shaped magnet. You should get comfortable because it is very important that you do not move during the scan. If you have a fear of confined spaces (claustrophobia), you are advised to tell the doctor before the exam. MRI procedures differ depending on your medical problem and the part of your body being studied. The radiologist plans an examination that is best suited for you. For example, if we are studying your abdomen, we will examine from your lower chest down to the upper pelvis, producing several series of images. During such a study, expect the machine to make loud noises, the tables to move occasionally, and the technologist to instruct you about your breathing. Certain tests require that a special dye (contrast) to be given before the test to enhance the MRI images and to facilitate the radiologist to visualize diseased tissues more clearly. The contrast is usually administered through an intravenous line (IV) in your hand or forearm. Side effects are rare. Anyone who has had recent surgery with surgical staples needs to be able to communicate with the technicians to tell us if there are any burning sensations. Anyone with a reprogrammable shunt must have the shunt reprogrammed after the MRI. And anyone with the possibility of having metal in their eyes (for example, one who does metal work as a career may have tiny bits of metal in the eyes that can be affected by the MRI), should have an ORBITS (x-ray of the eye) to rule out foreign bodies. Remember, each examination is tailored to individual requirements. Additional pictures are usually taken after the first series is completed.
How long does the procedure take?
An MRI scan typically takes from 30 to 60 minutes to complete. However the time differs depending on the type of MRI being done.
What happens after the scan?
Once enough information has been collected, you can leave and go about your normal activities without restriction.
When do I get the results?
Radiologists who specialize in this type of imaging will review your exam. You will then be asked to collect your report on a specified time.
Any other questions?
If you have any questions about your MRI scan, please ask any of our personnel including doctors, nurses, or technologists. We will try our best to explain the procedure clearly and to make your visit to the MRI suite as comfortable and speedy as possible.
High Strength Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) details:
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging works on the principle of a magnetic field and does not involve radiation of any sort. Magnetic Resonance Imaging involves placing the patient in an external magnetic field, thereby exciting all the tiny protons in the body which is used to produce the MR image. MRI is the best imaging modality for soft tissue, muscles, nerves, spinal cord & various joints, whereas CT has more use for the bones, chest, abdomen & pelvis.
- MRI offers multiplanar capabilities, wherein images can be obtained in any plane at various section thicknesses.
- At NM we do MRI of the entire body which includes MRI of the brain, MR Angio(MRA) for brain & neck vessels, as well as the body, MRI of the neck, MRI of the abdomen & pelvis, MRCP and MRI of the spine & joints.
- MRI is a superior technology to CT Scan. However it does not replace the latter. To do an MRI the patient is positioned in a closed tunnel (which is quite wide in our machine as compared to old generation machines). Nowadays, open MRI are also available which are more patient friendly. However, these machines are of lower strength, resulting in relatively poor quality images and take much longer time as compared to closed higher strength systems. A wise patient would decide on having a better quality scan than a little discomfort during the procedure for better management of his disease.
Equipment used at BABINA Diagnostics :
Patient Benefits:
- High Degree of patient comfort.
- No claustrophobic effect.
Online instructions for MRI :
- You are advised not to have any metallic object on your body. Eg. coins, watch, etc.
- Please wear normal comfortable clothing. On your arrival at the Centre you will be asked to change into our Centre’s MRI clothing which will be supplied to you.
- You are advised to arrive at the MRI suite at least 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment to enable a smooth and relaxed procedure.
- It is extremely essential to bring along all previous medical reports including those of any previous MRI.
Please consult with the doctor before taking an appointment if you have:
- Undergone any type of surgery where there are any left out metallic surgical clips or implants in the body, however most modern surgical clips are MRI compatible.
- A cardiac pacemaker or a MR incompatible stent.
- For Gall Bladder Study: do not eat or drink anything 4 – 6 hours prior to the exam and maintain a fat-free diet the night before the examination.
Stress Test – TMT
What is a Stress Test?
A stress test, sometimes called a treadmill test or exercise test, helps a doctor find out how well your heart handles work. As your body works harder during the test, it requires more oxygen, so the heart must pump more blood. The test can show if the blood supply is reduced in the arteries that supply the heart. It also helps doctors know the kind and level of exercise appropriate for a patient.
How is the test performed?
A stress or treadmill or exercise test records the heart’s electrical activity (rate and rhythm) during exercise.
- Prior to the test electrodes will be placed on the chest (same as ECG) and patient is hooked up to equipment to monitor the heart.
- Prior to the test you may be asked to breath rapidly (hyperventilate) for a while.
- The patient will be asked to walk on a motorised treadmill.
- The speed and inclination of the treadmill will be gradually increased.
- The doctor will be looking for changes in ECG pattern, will check Blood Pressure in between and will be enquiring about any symptoms that patient may experience.
- The patient may be on treadmill for up to 15 minutes, depending upon his level of exercise recovery and cardiovascular conditioning.
The test will be stopped if the patient becomes too tired, has any symptoms such as chest pain.
How do I prepare for the test?
To prepare for the treadmill stress test, there are several things you should do to get the best results from the test. First, have a good night’s sleep before the test. Second, eat a light breakfast or lunch about two hours prior to the test. Third, avoid drinks that contain caffeine such as coffee, tea, or colas. Drink fruit juices or water instead. Fourth, take your medicine as usual unless you are told otherwise by your doctor. Fifth, bring or wear loose-fitting clothing and comfortable walking or jogging shoes. There is a place available for changing clothes. Lastly, be sure to go to the bathroom before the test so that you won’t feel uncomfortable during the test.
What happens after the test is done?
After the test, patient will be asked to sit or lie down till heart and blood pressure recovers to baseline. The stress test doctor will then evaluate the data collected through the test and make the necessary recommendations. It is best to plan a rest period after the test and not plan any tiring activities for the rest of the day.
How long does a normal stress test take?
The total time required for the test will be about 30 minutes.
Is there any risk with the treadmill test?
There is very little risk in taking the test in healthy person – no more than if a person walks fat or jogs up a big hill. During the test, the cardiologist and a technician are always present to deal with a medical emergency should it arise.
When is a stress test recommended?
A physician may recommend an exercise stress test for various reasons:
- To diagnose coronary artery disease.
- To diagnose a possible heart-related cause of symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath or light-headedness.
- To determine a safe level of exercise.
- To check the effectiveness of procedures done to improve coronary artery circulation in patients with coronary artery disease.
- To predict risk of dangerous heart-related conditions such as a heart attack.
Is it necessary to take a prior appointment?
Prior appointment will save considerable time on the day of test.
When do I get the results?
You will be asked to collect your report on a specified time.
Stress Test details:
- A stress test, sometimes called a treadmill test or exercise test, helps physicians find out how well the heart handles stress. As the body works harder during the test, it requires more oxygen and the heart has to pump more blood. The test can show if the blood supply is reduced in the arteries that supply the heart. It also helps doctors know the kind and level of exercise appropriate for a patient.
- A person taking the test is hooked up to equipment to monitor the heart.
- Walks slowly in place on a treadmill, on which the speed is increased for a faster pace and which is tilted to produce the effect of going up a small hill.
- May be asked to breathe into a tube for a couple of minutes.
- Can stop the test at any time if necessary.
- Afterwards will sit or lie down to have the heart and blood pressure checked.
- Heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, electrocardiogram (E.C.G. or E.K.G.), and how tired one feels are monitored during the test.
- There’s very little risk in taking the test in healthy persons – no more than if a person walks fast or jogs up a big hill.
Online instructions for Stress Test :
- You are advised to abstain from food or liquids (except water) for 4 hours prior to the test. Smoking must also be avoided during this period.
- Comfortable clothing (shorts or pants with shirt or blouse) must be worn.
- You should report 10 minutes prior to your test to enable a smooth and relaxed procedure to take place.
- You must ask your doctor the following questions before reporting for the test :
- If you are diabetic, how you need to adjust insulin and food intake prior to the test.
- If you should take your regular medications on the morning of the test.
- If you are on a beta blocker, whether or not you need to stop your regular medication 72 hours before the test.
- For males with a hairy chest, a shaving of the chest may be required for adequate contact of electrodes with the chest which ensures best results.
- For those adverse to walking barefoot on the treadmill, it is advised to bring along a pair of jogging shoes on the day of the test. However, this is not essential.
- You are advised not to apply lotions, oils or powder to the chest area.
- Please bring along details of any previous stress test to allow a comparison of reports.
USG Doppler
What is Doppler Ultrasound?
Doppler Ultrasound is a procedure used to detect restricted or blocked arteries, or blood clots in the veins. The study is performed by a Sonographer using a probe that is passed over a patient’s neck, legs, arms, or abdomen. The probe emits harmless sound waves that create images of a patient’s arteries and measure blood flow through the arteries. Unlike X-ray, Ultrasound involves no radiation.
What is a Carotid Doppler Ultrasound?
Carotid Doppler Ultrasound is used to measure the velocity of the blood within the carotid system for the purpose of ruling out a significant narrowing of the artery due to the presence of plaque.
What is a Color Doppler Ultrasound scan?
Color Doppler Ultrasound is useful in studying blood flow patterns in the heart and blood vessels. The most common studies performed are the arteries in the neck (carotid arteries). These supply blood to the brain and face. Other common vessels examined supply your kidneys, the veins and arteries in the legs looking for blockages or clots.