Dr. Th. Dhabali Singh MD
Message from the Managing Director
For close to four decades, BABINA Diagnostics has been a forerunner in medical diagnostics in the Northeast. Saying that it has been a wonderful journey so far would be an understatement. Looking back, we have seen how medical diagnostics evolved over the years and in the process, how we as an organisation changed too. From providing only basic diagnostic tests to a multi-disciplinary diagnostic centre that we are at present, we have seen that medical diagnostics has now become a digital data-driven science. We are happy that we have been able to adapt to the changing times and to be able to provide the best diagnostic solutions to the people of this part of the country.
We take pride in our commitment to providing the best diagnostic services in a responsive manner. When BABINA Diagnostics took its first tentative steps in 1983 towards ushering in qualitative changes in medical laboratory services in the state, little did we know that one day it would become one of the biggest diagnostic centres in the whole country. We have spent the last 38 years continuing to build our brand, which has now become synonymous with quality and innovation. Despite all the changes, it is also important to note what has not changed at BABINA Diagnostics in all these years, namely our commitment and dedication to providing high-quality service and to living our core values: Excellence in Everything, Reliability and Client-centric Service. Keeping in mind the socio-economic conditions of the people of the Northeast, we are committed to providing affordable diagnostic facilities to the people of this region. It will be our endeavour to provide the widest menu of diagnostic tests and investigations and to see to it that our services are accessible to people from all parts of the Northeast.
We have been continuing to overcome all sorts of challenges with the support of our brilliant team. With this support and that of our well-wishers, I am confident that BABINA Diagnostics will continue to scale new heights of excellence for the years to come. The success story of BABINA Diagnostics cannot be complete without the mention of our dedicated workforce which has grown to over 300 staff. This is almost eighty times the staff strength with which we had started 38 years ago. Our workforce – our human capital – is the reason behind our success. We are focussed on continuing to strengthen our brand – in providing diagnostic solutions to the patients and medical practitioners of the region. Like I always say, the best of BABINA Diagnostics is yet to come.
We have seen different versions of our website in the past many years and as has always been our endeavour, we have been trying to keep ourselves abreast with the changing happening around, in terms of technology and looks of our site. We hope the information provided here would be beneficial to everyone.
Dr. Th. Dhabali Singh MD
Chairman and Managing Director
Dated : 1st August 2022